(29) Hangout pt4

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Y/n pov


We finish our food paying the bill then grabbing our stuff and leaving. I walk out with everyone and when we stopped outside the door I looked at my leg. Seriously, I say to myself in my head, noticing a bruise on my leg. I bent down and put pressure on it to see if it would hurt, but it didn't really hurt so I guess I was okay, I stood up straight looking at all of them.

Ryujin notices me touching my leg and she makes a face looking at my leg. "Y/n what the heck happened to your leg?" She asks me sounding concerned. When she said that it caused our other friends to look at me and down to my leg.

I notice them all look at my leg and look at me confused. I heard a chuckle and looked at all of them and saw it was coming from the person who put this bruise on me. Minho.

"Uhh... I hit my leg on the table on accident, but I'm fine so don't worry" I lie to them hoping they would believe me. "If you say so" Yeji says. I look at Minho and see that his head is turned to the side looking away from us.

"Why are you laughing?" Felix asks Minho with a confused face. "Oh- uh nothing I just thought of a random memory that popped in my head." Minho answers Felix while trying to hold in his laugh.

I glare at Minho knowing we both lied and also knowing we know why I have this bruise and why he's laughing. Minho glares back at me with a smile. I jokingly roll my eyes at him smiling and look away from him.

"What do you guys wanna do now?" Hyunjin asks all of us as we just stood in front of the restaurant we were just in. All of us look at eachother waiting for a response but nobody said anything.

"Can we go to the mall?" I suggest. They all look at eachother and agree, with that we all start walking up the sidewalk the direction of the mall.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

We got to the mall and stood by the fountain that was a little after the door. "What are you guys gonna do here?" Felix asks us. "Uh me and these two are gonna get lost in the stores" I tell the boys while pointing at Yeji and Ryujin. "Then I guess we'll go to the arcade?" Felix tells me and looks at the boys for an answer. "Yea sure" Minho says to Felix as the other boys agree. Then we all walked different directions.

We wandered around looking at the stores going in and out, looking around, buying stuff or just checking stuff out. I noticed a store that had a bunch of Anime, sanrio, snacks, and just some stuff that was my type. "Can we go in here" I ask Ryujin and Yeji pointing towards the store. "Sure" they both respond to me and we walk in to the store.

Minho pov

Me and the other boys walked towards the direction of the arcade. "Over there" I.N says while pointing towards the arcade door. We ran to the door and looked around the place when we entered.

We went to the front person and got some cards to play the games. We payed for our cards and we walked around the arcade looking for some games we wanted to play.

We ended up playing this racing game, we each got on a seat and started the game."ahaa I'm in first placeee" Hyunjin brags to us. "Not for long HAHA IM FIRST NOW!" Felix brags to Hyunjin as he speeded past him. "Why am always in the backkkk" I hear Jeongin complain. We were all yelling, bragging, talking, raging, until the game ended and Felix got first, I got second, Hyunjin got third, and Jeongin ended up last.

"Whyyyyy meeeee" Jeongin whines when he saw he was in last place. "It's okay you'll get in the front some day. Felix says while patting Jeongin's back. We all seperated and went to games we wanted to play.

Y/n pov

I walked out the store with a Pocky snack and a My Melody keychain. I put the plastic bag in my bag and continued to follow Yeji and Ryujin. We continued going to other stores, realizing we have explored most of the wall and our legs were sore from the walking. Yeji and Ryujin clearly went overboard in the shopping, seeing the amount of bags hanging on their arms.

Yeji had a whole shoe change while Ryujin had a whole outfit change.I, on the other hand, got a cute clip on my hair. I ended up not buying much as most of my stuff were suggested by Yeji and Ryujin.

"Should we meet up with the rest now?" I suggested to them, realizing an hour and a half has passed. They both agreed and Ryujin calls Felix, "Hello?" Felix answers from the phone.
"We're done, wanna meet up already?" Ryujin says.
"Oh yeah sure, we could meet up at the fountain."
"Alright, see you there." Ryujin ends the call, heading to the fountain.

Minho pov

"Hey guys, Ryujin said we should meet up now." Felix announces.
"We still gotta get our prizes." Hyunjin stated, we head to the ticket disposal stand and start to enter our own tickets in.

We start to choose from the many choices of prizes we have at the front table. What the hell am I going to get?, I think realizing I was way too grown for these options. My eyes wander around when suddenly I spot a large hello kitty plush hanging on on the wall.

I walk away from Hyunjin, Felix, and Jeongin to get a better look at the hello kitty. I don't think the other 3 realize that I'm not next to them because they were all looking at the candy and stuff that caught their eyes.

I see the worker and catch her attention. "Excuse me" I say to the worker and they look up and walk to me. "Can I get that hello kitty" I ask the person while pointing to the hello kitty high on the shelf. "Yeah sure" the person says then grabs a stick with a hook and starts to lift the plush from the wall.

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