(9) Drama pt2

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« Time Skip »

Y/n pov


We were all sitting on my sofa in my apartment talking about things that happened today or just random stuff, Jeongin was sitting silently on his phone next to me untill he said something. "woah-" he said while looking at his phone. Felix, Yeji, Ryujin move their heads to look at Jeongin and I turn to look at him.

"what are you looking at" I ask him. "Minho said something in the group chat" He answers, Yeji took out her phone to look at with Ryujin, Felix took out his, and I looked at Jeongin's


Felix punched Minho
and they started to fight then some other students tried to pull them back
written anonymously

I bet they hate each others ass
written anonymously

Lol, idiots
written anonymously

Who are you guys to be
talking and spreading personal
information about this.
written anonymously

Who are you to be talking
and defending them?
written anonymously

Lee Minho.
written by Lee Minho

ah sorry Minho oppa
written anonymously

Minho oppa sorry..
written anonymously

sorry Minho
written anonymously

Y/n pov

"dayum" I say while looking at Minhos last message. after I said that, Yeji and Ryujin started laughing. "AHAHAHAA" me, Ryujin and Yeji were laughing crazy.

"why are you guys laughing?" Jeongin asks peeking his head to the 2 girls. "Nothing nothing.." Yeji answered "that is the most ugliest thing ever" I say about the girls, even thinking about it makes me cringe.

"ah forget about this, The drama will be gone in no timeee" I say to them. "do you guys want food? Im hungry imma get myself some noodles" I ask them while getting up from my spot. "yes please" "yea im hungry" "yes yes yes yes" they all responded. "okay you guys can do whatever you want while I boil the water.

« Time skip »


"THESE NOODLES TASTE SO GOOD" Yeji says while stuffing her mouth with noodles "dis iz sooo good" Ryujin says with a mouthful of noodles.

I take a bite of my noodles and watch the others. Yeji and Ryujin stuffing their mouths, Jeongin munching on the noodles and Felix- I saw him take a bite of his noodles and im guessing it was so good that it started to make him dance.

(that one I.N vlog on their yt channel when they went out to eat and the food made felix dance, thats what felix was doing)

« Time Skip »

A couple hours has gone by and they all started to make sure they had their stuff before they could leave. They all grabbed their backpacks and put on their shoes "byeee" "BYE BYE" "bYeEeE" they said to me before shutting the door. When they left I went to the door and locked it.

It was still 8pm which is still a while before I sleep. I think of something to do, The stupid country project. "Can't I do anything else?" I say to myself trying to think of anything else to do. Only one thing came up and it was to re write the notes from language arts class. "ughhhh, but I dont wanna bother anyone, but then i have to do this alone, this is boring, but I have nothing to do. ughhhhh" I talk to myself before going to my room.

I look in my full body length mirror and see that im still in my uniform. "well I have something else to do besides homework now." I say as I walk to my closet to get some clothes for me to wear. I get my clothes and make sure my phone and laptop is plugged, I take my clothes to the bathroom.

I brush my hair before getting into the warm shower so I dont struggle to brush my hair later and deal with tangles in my hair while shampooing. I hop in the shower and let the warm water fall on me. After a few minutes I grab the body wash and put it on me, rinsing it off then shampooing my hair. I did all of this and hopped out the shower drying myself. I put on my clothes, blowdry my hair then walk to my room.

I go to my room to start on my homework. I open my laptop that's on my desk and go to my docs app to see the notes that we took yesterday. I took out a folder that was given by the teacher to put our facts about the country. I start to type down the facts on different papers on the app, each paper is a different subject on the country.

an hour later I finished the country project all by myself. I went to the group chat that had my group members in it.


I finished the country project so dont worry about it

Hyunjin: You did it by yourself?

Yeah I had nothing to do so I decided to type the project, I printed all the papers and put it in the folder.

Hyunjin: thanks 😊

girl in group: Lol nerd,
you really dont have anything
else to do? no partys or hanging
out with friends?

My friends came to my apartment
after school and went home an hour ago.

and nobody I know is throwing a party.

Minho: thanks for doing the
project, minus well treat you
with something yea?

Its okay you dont have to

Minho: No I insist, how about a date? 😉

As friends, thanks.

Minho: no problem

Im gonna continue doing my homework now bye


wow- im going on a date with Minho now, as friends, just friends only friends nothing more. Wait I dont know when or where hes gonna take me, let me ask him rq before I fully go.

Im gonna continue doing my homework now bye


wait where and when are we going?

Minho: how about tomorrow?
I'll pick you up at 6 and we'll
go downtown

Ok thanks for letting me know, bye now


I set down my phone and start to rewrite my notes neatly.

« Time Skip »


I finished my notes and put them in my backpack for school tommorow, I plopped on my bed and went on my phone scrolling on whatever I could. After a little I started to feel sleepy so I set down my phone and fell asleep.

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