(31) Hangout pt6

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Minho pov

6:05 pm

We exit the mall and the sun has already set, it was already dark and the downtown lights lit up the area. It was quite crowded from the clubbing people, but not too crowded since it was Sunday.

Yeji, Ryujin, and Felix were intrigued in the lights while the others were more interested in the street food including
y/n, who already speed walking to one of the food stands. I followed her as no one else was because they were doing their own thing. Everyone went their separate ways but still kept a close distance with the group so we don't lose each other.

I ordered a roll of Kimbap which was next to stand y/n was ordering on, after I received my order, I head to y/n. She had a corn dog on her free hand which looked really good, but I knew I couldn't buy one because I wouldn't be able to finish it so I decided to ask y/n.

Y/n pov

"Can I get a bite?" Someone asks me, I face them realizing it was Minho which startled me from his sudden presence. I glance at my corn dog and back at him, but I gave in and held the corn dog near him, he takes a pretty large bite which offended me because it wasn't even his.
"Heyyy, you're going to finish it." I bump into him lightly causing him to chuckle.

"Here, take a bite from this." He suggested, having his Kimbap held near my mouth. I raise my eyebrows at him but still took a bite from his Kimbap,
"Mmhm" I hum. This is hella good, I thought to myself, chewing on the Kimbap.

"Y/n!!" Someone calls out my name, I turn around to the voice and it was Yeji who was calling for me. She signals me to come her way, so I headed towards her with Minho following behind me. Yeji points at the jewelry displayed on a stand, I check out the jewelries when one catches my attention, it was a simple heart chain choker. I admired it before I put it back with no intention to buy it, even though I wanted it.

Minho pov

I watch y/n check out one of jewelries, I thought she was going to buy it because it suited her but she puts it back at the stand.
"Aren't you going to get that?" Yeji asks y/n who also saw her admire the jewelry, I was curious for y/n's answer as well.
"It's pretty, but nah, I'm fine." She refuses leaving Yeji confused. But the topic changed when Yeji and y/n start talking about something. I was thirsty myself. Y/n was looking at something on Yeji's phone and she was holding in to her drink against her shoulder, It was in front of me So I put my mouth on the straw and started to drink it.

She didn't notice me drinking on it, so I continued until she started tugging on the drink which pulled the straw from the bottle. I stood still with the straw still hanging in my mouth.

3rd person

Y/n, confused after realizing the straw was absent from her drink. She turns to her right and sees Minho with the straw still in his mouth, not moving from his last position.

"Did you drink from my straw?" Y/n ask, angrily while aggressively snatching the straw from Minho's mouth.
"Uh yeah, did you not see that your straw was in my mouth?" Minho says while chuckling at y/n's reaction.

Y/n makes a whining sound, complaining about what Minho did while putting the straw back in her drink and taking a sip. When she finished taking her sip, she made a pouting face then glared at Minho who was still chuckling at her.

Minho saw that y/n was looking at him intensely and he assumed she was trying to look tough.

"Why are you being like that? did we kiss or something." Minho says, jokingly to y/n as if she was exaggerating. "Because you drank out of my drink." Y/n says while taking another sip from her drink.

"Yeah, you guys did a indirect kiss" Yeji stated while covering her face with her hand and slightly looking away from y/n and minho, acting like she wasn't the one that said that.

"Ew." Hyunjin, who came out of nowhere, suddenly says.
"Where the heck did you come from?" Y/n turned around and saw Hyunjin, who suddenly appeared behind them, with a drink in his hand.

"Felix said we should head to the bus stop now because the next bus stop won't come until 9pm." Hyunjin announces.
"What time does the next bus come?" Yeji asks.

"6:15pm." Hyunjin answers, blankly.
"IT'S 6:09" Y/n yells after checking the time, everyone's eyes widened realizing we were going to be miss the bus.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US EARLIER??" Yeji scolds Hyunjin as everyone starts speeding back to the bus stop.
"I WAS TRYING TO FIND YOU GUYS." Hyunjin responds as they continued running until they spotted Felix, I.N, and Ryujin waiting for them at the bus stop, clearly scared that they wouldn't have made it in time.

Minho pov

We quickly entered the bus, panting harshly from running the whole way. We all sat similar to our seating when we came here except y/n was was sitting next to the window, while Yeji and Ryujin was sitting in front of us. Y/n got in to her spot and set her plush on her lap and wrapping her hands around it. We all got seated and the bus door closed and we were now moving.

The ride back home was quiet due to how exhausted we are. A few minutes later, the silence was broken by a loud bump against the window. I notice y/n was leaning against the window, still sleeping peacefully despite the bruise that was going to form on her head.

I roll my eyes at her stupidness while grabbing her head and gently leaning her against my shoulder , I softly massage the part where she hit her head before I slowly fall asleep myself.

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