(36) Bathroom

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Y/n pov

"Bye," I say to Hyunjin and Minho as we walk in different directions for our next classes. I quickly make my way to my 3rd-period class right when my 2nd period ended so I can drop off my stuff at a desk with Yeji then go to the bathroom cuz I really needed to go.

When I got in front of the class, There was a small group of girls standing near the door. I looked at them and noticed it was Jisoo, Jay-ri, and the girl who was looking at Yeji's phone last week, who is also in my 3rd period named Hana. (Just a name that came to my mind)

I looked at the 3 girls who were, for some reason, all staring at me but I decided to ignore them. What is with these girls and looking at me?

I walked into the class and rushed my way to Yeji when I saw her. I put down my stuff on the empty spot next to her and quickly tell her, "watch my stuff, I need to pee." Before she got to say anything to me I quickly rushed out of the class and made my way through all the students in the halls to get to the bathroom.

3rd person pov

Y/n got to the bathroom and went to a stall to do her business. The thing is when y/n rushed out the classroom the 3 girls who were hanging out by the door waited for y/n to arrive and ask her to do something real quick. Today must've been the 3 girls' lucky day because they didn't need to ask y/n but instead y/n went out herself.

The 3 girls plan: They planned to bring water balloons to school and put them in one of their bags with soft stuff and things that wouldn't pop them. Next, they wait for y/n to arrive at her class and they were gonna ask y/n to go to the bathroom to show her something, when they all end up in the bathroom the 3 girls were gonna threaten y/n with whatever came up in their heads.

Then they were gonna corner y/n and grab the balloons and throw them at y/n without hesitation until she would hopefully be soaked in her uniform. Last, they would just leave y/n, whether they would be late or not they were still gonna do it.

"Guys it's y/n," Jisoo mentions to the 2 other girls while pointing at y/n who's walking past students, They quickly look at where Jisoo is pointing and they all follow her.

They watch y/n walk into the bathroom and they walk in a little after so they don't seem suspicious. Y/n got into a stall and the 3 girls sneak around the outside of the stalls where they were hidden from y/n's view.

Not long after, Y/n came out of her stall and went to the sink to wash her hands. After y/n finished washing her hands she went to grab some towels to dry her hands and walked to the trash to throw them out.

Y/n pov

I walked to the trash to throw away my towel, when I turned around, I see 3 girls. Jisoo, Jay-ri, and Hana.

"Uhh, can I help you?" I ask the three girls who are standing in front of me with an attitude in their faces

"Actually yeah," Jisoo answered and I looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"You're hiding something from the school right?" Jisoo asked me and I look at her in confusion.

"Uh what are you talking about, I'm not hiding anything-" I start to answer her but she shushes me causing me to go silent without another word.

"You have a crush on Minho, I know. It seems like you 2 are really close." Hana says to me while giving me an annoyed look.

"What are you talking about? We aren't close to each other." I talk back to the girls until I felt a sting on my face. Jay-ri slapped me.

I put one of my hands on my cheek from the slap then look at Jay-ri, "What the hell?!" I raise my voice at all of them.

"You could've just told me what you want instead of saying all this nonsense and hitting me." I furiously spoke to the girls.

"Ok then, if that's what you want," Jisoo tells me and then gives me a look that doesn't look so nice.

"We want YOU to stay AWAY from Minho.' Jisoo says to me. exaggerating his name.

"I already do stay away from him?" I tell her in a questioning tone knowing we stay away from each other on the campus.

"Fuck!ng liar," Jay-ri says to me, then giving a look to Hana. I look at Hana and she takes out her phone. I look at the three of them obviously annoyed.

I look at Hana who shoves her phone in my face. I move my head away cuz it was too close then I looked at the screen. It was a picture of me and Minho in the group photo we took with our friends. Where the hell did she see that? Is that what she saw on Yeji's phone? I ask myself remembering Yeji's wallpaper.

"Explain this. I know it isn't an old photo." Hana says to me while taking her phone back closer to her. Shit, what do I say? I thought to myself not knowing how to explain that picture of Minho hugging me.

"And explain how you were with him the whole party and how he kissed you and how he said 'I woUlD TakE HeR VirGiNiTyY," Jay-ri said to me mocking Minho's sentence when he said he would take away my virginity.

"By the way...I was the one who sent the pictures to the school group chat." Jisoo mentions to me and I look at the three of them, anger building up faster, but not knowing what to do in the situation.

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