(14) explanation

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« Time Skip-Lunch »

Y/n pov

Me and my friends were sitting at a table at lunch, I had my head laying on my hand poking my food with my fork wondering how all of this happened.

"are you gonna eat or what" Ryujin says to me watching me just poke the rice on my trey. "I don't know" I answer back. "If you're worried about the whole dating scandal thing going on, dont worry we will figure something out." Yeji says to me. "I know but like who the hell followed us the whole time? thats weird" I say.

Then suddenly Minho comes over and sits in the empty spot between Felix and Ryujin. "hello" he says. "hi" we all say back to him. "so what are you guys talking a about?" Minho asks us, nobody responded but they all signalled him about me then he looks at me.

"theres a dating rumour about us, what are we gonna do." I ask Minho. "ah.. i don't know." Minho replys. "maybe we can try to convince everyone that they arent dating..?" Felix suggest to us. "I guess we can try that..but how?" I say to felix.

"maybe just tell everyone in the group chat you guys arent dating and explain the whole "dating" thing?" Ryujin says to us. "good idea" Minho says.

« Time Skip-at home »

Y/n pov


Me, Minho, Felix, Jeongin, Ryujin, and Yeji were all sitting in my living room thinking about what we should say in the group chat. after a while we figured something out that we could both say and we did.


To clear things up, Me and Minho
are not dating. the photo and video that was sent before was him treating
me to drinks and he insisted to buy me
something I wanted. The reason we
were their in the first place was because I am in a group with him in history and I finished a group project for our group and his way of saying thank you was to get my boba. Me and Minho are only friends and nothing more. We do not know who or how the picture and video was taken.
written by Kim Y/n

Me and Y/n are only friends. just friends. we are not dating or anything so stop making assumptions about us and stop spreading your thoughts.
written by Lee Minho

After we sent that we turned off our phones and looked at eachother. "so what do you guys wanna do?" I ask all of them. they all tell me they dont know so I try to think of something to do. "do you guys want  to watch a kdrama..?" I ask them, they all agree since we cant think of anything else. We all get comfortable and I turn on the TV and play the kdrama.

« Time skip »

Y/n pov


It was 9pm and my friends have been her for a couple hours and it was getting dark so they decided leave.

"bye y/n" "byeee" they all said bye then shut the door, I went to the door and locked it then cleaning up the living room and just any mess there was.

Later on I went to my room and sat on my bed plugging in my phone then going to my closet and got some clothes. I went to my bathroom to take a shower.

After I took a shower I put on my clothes and did my facial routine and drying my hair. After a while my hair was mostly dry so I put away my hairdryer and going to my room. I sat on my bed opening my phone and scrolling on the media while it was plugged in.

I was about to lay in my bed but before I got to fully lay down something was under the blanket and it pressed against my back, I got up and flipped the blanket and saw that it was the hello kitty Minho bought me. I smiled when I saw it, I grabbed it, laid in bed under my blanket then placing the plush in my arms while I scrolled on my phone.

I went on YouTube and just watched whatever entertained me. Time went by and it was almost 12am so I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, after I did I went back to my room turning off my light and laying in bed. I placed the hello kitty plush on my night stand then laid down, not long after that I fell asleep.

« at school »

I got to school and saw Yeji standing alone looking at her phone, I ran up to her and said hi. "hello" I said to her. "oh hello y/n" She said back to me. O didn't both asking where the rest were because they were probably gonna come soon so I just talked with Yeji for a bit until the rest of our friends came. Minho and some of his friends decided to talk with us for a bit until we decided to go inside.

We walked inside the school together. Walking in the halls, other students stared at me but it wasn't dirty looks like before, they would stare then look away. I guess they got over the whole dating thing, I hope.

Me, Felix, and Minho got to our first class and we said bye to the others as they went more in to the halls to get to their classes. Me and Felix sat together as always and Minho sat some what far from us to prevent any more crazy things from going on.

As more students came in they would look at me then look away, it seemed like a "wander your eyes then focus back" type of look and so it wasn't like any bad looks towards me, glad it's over. Soon class started and we all paid attention.

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