(6) End Of The First Day

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« Time skip - last period »

It was the end of last period and I walked out of class with Ryujin. We were walking in the halls going to other classrooms to find our other friends and I had to find my group members or at least one of them to get their phone number so I could tell them my address and just stuff.

Me and Ryujin continued to walk down after we got all of our friends, then I saw one of the boys who who were in my group talking to someone.

"Guys you can go ahead and wait outside, I need to do something real quick" I told my friends, Then they continued to walk out the school. "Whats your phone number" I asked the boy who was leaning against the wall. "Give me your phone" he told me and so I did. While he was putting his number in I asked him "do you perhaps know Minho's number too?" He just quickly nodded his head and continued to type.

He gave me my phone back and I saw that it had 2 new contact. "Hyunjin" and "Minho" were the names. "Thanks" I tell him and quickly made my way outside.

I see my friends standing by the gate so I quickly run to them. "Ok let's go" I tell them, then we start to walk on the sidewalk. After a few minutes Ryujin and Jeongin made their turns down their streets saying bye. Me, Yeji, and Felix were all walking and chatting until we all separated our ways after saying bye.

I finally got to my apartment and took off my shoes. I walk to my room and put down my backpack and charge my phone, then walking to my closet to find some clothes to wear after I take a shower. I find my clothes and go to the bathroom, I take off my uniform and hop in the shower.

After washing my body and hair I turn off the water and twist my hair to get most of the dripping water out. I dry myself with my towel and put on my clothes.

(Your outfit/ or imagine *without the shoes ofc*)

(If you dont like the clothing I put in the story then feel free to imagine any outfit you want, I dont mean to offend anyone

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(If you dont like the clothing I put in the story then feel free to imagine any outfit you want, I dont mean to offend anyone.)

Y/n pov


I finished putting on my clothes, went to my bed, and went on my phone.
I needed to tell my group my address because how else would they get here. I went to my messages and created a new groupchat with Minho and Hyunjin, I didnt have the other girl phone number so idk how to communicate with her now. Maybe one of these two have her number or something.


Y/n added Minho and Hyunjin to the chat

Hey guys its me Y/n

Minho: Hey

Are you guys still okay with
meeting at my place at 6?

Minho: mhm

Hyunjin: hello and yes

My address is
*apartment address* room 403 on the 3rd floor.

Yes I live in an apartment. alone.

Minho: me and Hyunjin
will be their later.


Wait what about the other girl
In our group?

Hyunjin has added unknown number to the chat


Unknown number:
Who are you

Y/n the girl in your history group.
Are you still okay with meeting at
my place at 6 later?

Unknown number: mhm.

* Apartment Address* room
403, 3rd floor.


I should change her nickname. There.

(You changed it to girl in group cuz you dont know her name.)


My stomach makes a noise, I haven't eaten since 4 hours ago. I unplug my phone and go downstairs to my kitchen. I look at my pantry and find cup noodle. "Dangit I need to buy food" I say remembering I dont have any food.

I pour water in to the cup noodle container and put it in the microwave.

« Time Skip - after eating »

After I finished my noodles I threw the cup away and washed my chopsticks. I remembered that I needed to buy food so I check the time. 4:57

I still have an hour before they're supposed to come so I got whaev I needed and I start to make my way out the building and to the nearest convenience store.

«Time skip - back home »


I went inside my apartment room and took off my shoes, I went to my kitchen and put away the food I bought. There was still like 30 minutes or so before my group was supposed to come over.

My place was kind of already clean exept for the sofa pillows not really organized and some wrappers on the table.

I fixed the pillows nicely on the couch and picked up any random trash I had around my living room, I threw them all away and grabbed the vacuum and plugged it and started to vacuum the floor.

I put everything back and went to my room to charge my phone and grab my laptop then walked to my living room and flopped on my sofa laying on my stomach.

I turned on my laptop and started to prepare some sites we could use and my docs app to type anything down that was important.

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