(52) Wrong Timing?

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« A Few Weeks Later - day b4 winter break »

3rd person

Y/n is about to exit her apartment room to head to school, slipping on a thicker trench coat and a plaid scarf that was hanging on the hooks next to her door. Then, wearing her shoes quickly with her backpack and hurriedly left the room as well as locking the door before heading to the elevator.

The moment she stepped foot out of the building, the cold breeze hit her exposed legs. She shivers slightly as the steam from her hot breath escapes her mouth while stuffing her hands deeper in the pockets of her coat.

Y/n pov

I enter the school gate, seeing some of my friends huddled together near the entrance of the school. I started lazily running towards them, jump scaring Yeji slightly because she didn't see me arrive.

"You're here, finally!" Yeji says, sighing in relief.

"You didn't have to wait for me out here," I responded.

"But we wanted to anyway. Now let's go in, it's freezing," Yeji locks her arm around mine as we all walk towards the entrance.

"Did you know it's going to snow around Christmas day" Ryujin mentions as we enter the school building, the warmness of the heater brought relief to all of us.

"That makes this year Christmas even better," Felix comments as we walk through the hallway with other students looking half-awake.

We walk closer to my first class and I unlink my arm from Yeji's, "I'll see you later," Yeji waves goodbye followed by the others as I enter the classroom with Felix.

I spot our usual desk and find Minho resting his head on the table with his arm as a cushion. We both walk towards our desk and remove our coats and my scarf, hanging it on the back of our chairs as we place our bags next to us. Felix ended up just scrolling on his phone silently behind Minho, but I decided to save my phone battery since I forgot to charge it fully last night.

I rest my head on my hand out of boredom, glancing at Minho who has been sleeping with his head facing me. I switch my position, mirroring Minho.

How can someone sleep so gracefully?

Suddenly his eyes flutter slightly, opening fully which held eye contact with me automatically.

Fuck, he probably thought I was checking him out. I immediately turn my head the other way, panicking slightly.

"Guys," Someone calls out behind us, I sat up straight looking behind us, "The scoreboard from the tests are here, Ryujin texted," Felix continues who already stood up from his desk.

"Oh, let's go then." Minho stood up as well, acting like he didn't just see me 'checking him out. I follow Felix and Minho out the door.

We see a group of other students gathered around a board full of names, others cheering and others absolutely disappointed. Minho, Felix, and I push our way through the crowded students to see the board more clearly but a foot managed to trip me, making me lose my balance.

"Shi-" I curse when an arm suddenly grabs mine, bringing me back to my balance.

"Careful," Minho tells me which made me realize he was the one that caught me from falling fully, I smile as thanks before finally making it in front of the board. I already look at the 1st rank on the board and see my name, not surprised.

"She's always the first rank," I hear a whisper from the crowd.

"Such a try-hard,"

"It's annoying,"

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