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"By the way... I'm the one who spread those pictures of you and Minho to the school group chat." Jisoo tells me with an evil smile. I look at three of these girls again finally realizing why they did all these things to me and what they're doing to me now.

The bell rang for 3rd period, I wasn't at my class which means I was late, we were late.

"Thanks to you now I'm late to my damn class," I say to the three girls about to push through them, when I tried passing them by walking through the front of them, Jisoo stops me by placing a hand on my shoulder and pushing me back.

"You're not going anywhere," Jisoo tells me with a fake warm smile. I gulped and glared at her. Jisoo looked at both girls on each side of her and motioned them to walk towards me. The 2 girls started to approach me slowly which made me walk back as they came forward. I looked behind me and saw that I've reached the wall.

I was now standing against the wall with the 3 of them surrounding me. "I don't get why you're doing this to me, This is the most childish thing I've seen from this school." I fought back with my voice to them.

"Remember the day I told you I wouldn't let you get away with this? You, standing up for Minho and telling us to back off? Well, here I am now." Jay-ri says. I forgot about that, to be honest, I thought she was just saying that to look tough, I thought to myself.

"Are you seriously doing this over something about me and Minho being 'together'?!" I raised my voice at the three girls.

"Shut up!" Jisoo yelled back at me.

"If you don't stay away from him, I'll make the rest of this year a living hell for you."

"Who knows, maybe we'll do something about your friends too."

"All you do is toy around with boys you $lut."

"You never listen to anyone except your stupid friends"

"I bet all those boys just use you for your attention."

I look at them in disbelief.

"Are you freaking kidding me? I don't toy around with boys, I'm not a $lut, my friends aren't stupid, and I for sure don't toy around with boys. If you're jealous I hang out and can actually talk to boys you can just say that. I'm not dating any of them so what's the point of keeping me in this bathroom?." I fought back putting some sense into their little brains.

The three girls all give me a look.

"Hana, bring them out," Jisoo told Hana in an ordering way for her to get something. Bring what out? I ask myself as Hana takes off her bag, places it on the floor, and unzips it quickly.

She gets up giving some stuff to Jisoo and Jay-ri. I look at Jisoos hands and see...water balloons. What the hell? Oh hell no they aren't doing this right now.

"You ready?" Jisoo asks me with an evil smirk. I took a deep breath with my eyes wide opened.

Before I got to say anything, they threw the balloons at me. I put my hands in front of me in defense but it didn't do much. I was getting soaked in water, I tried to avoid the balloons but they still hit me. They threw the balloons at me until they were all gone.

After they finished, I stood up straight and looked down at my uniform. "Thanks for soaking me," I tell them while looking back at them. I look behind them and see someone

"Just know that you will get bad karma. Who knows when but it will eventually happen." I say with an evil smirk.

Ryujin?! What the heck is she doing here? I thought to myself when I saw Ryujin standing behind the three girls with her phone recording.

"Tsk, what are you talking about 'Karma'? Just wait until we end up getting with those boys you toy around with. You will be in bed crying about it." Hana says to me while laughing.

"I don't think so. " I say with a mocking smile, "Turn around," I tell them while moving my pointer finger in a circling motion.

Jisoo looks at me confused and slowly turns her head. When Jisoo turned her head so did the others, "What are you doing?!" Jisoo asks Ryujin who has her phone towards us recording.

"Helping my friend. What are you doing?" Ryujin replies to Jisoo in a jokingly way but she wasn't joking.

"What are you gonna do with that video?" Hana asks Ryujin.

"Blackmail," Ryujin answers her with a soft smile. Ryujin then stops recording and puts her phone in her pocket.

"If you post the video or something I will literally end your high school life." Jay-ri threatens Ryujin but Ryujin just laughs along with me.

"Okayy then..." I say to the three girls while chuckling.

"Let's go," Hana tells the other 2 girls and they make their way to the door.

"We aren't finished yet!" Jisoo tells me before she was out of my sight.

"Thank you so much" I thank Ryujin for being there without even knowing she was here.

"You're welcome, I would've helped you with avoiding the water balloons but uhh I think it would be better if it was only one of us. You know what I mean?" Ryujin tells me then raising a brow, gazing her eyes at my soaked outfit.

"Yes I do, now how am I gonna continue this school day if I looked like I went swimming with clothes?" I ask Ryujin while pointing at my uniform.

"Oh, Uhm.. you're probably gonna have to walk home if you don't wanna be seen like this," Ryujin suggests to me with an unsure look.

"It's freezing outside, you expect me to go out and walk home with wet clothing?" I ask Ryujin with a straight face.

"I would take you home but if my parents found out I ditched school, I would get in so much trouble... wait, let me text the group chat and ask if anyone is willing to skip a period," Ryujin tells me then taking out her phone and started to text.

« Time Skip »

Only 2 minutes have passed since the bell rang until someone walked in, "Yeji!"

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