(13) Not Good

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« Time Skip »

Y/n pov


Mino walked me to my apartment and we said our byes. I went inside and took of my shoes. I threw away my empty boba cup in my trash then walked to my room.

I take off my jacket and bag and take out the hello kitty and place it on my bed with its head on the pillow and tiny body under the blanket as if it were a baby. I change in to comfortable clothes tossing the clothes I wore today in my laundry basket.

After I changed I hung my jacket in my closet then went out to my kitchen to eat, I was to tired to cook like a chef and be a 5 star michelin so I just got a cup noodle, put water in it, and microwave it. soon the noodles were done microwaving I let it sit for a little then decided to eat it.

« Time Skip »

I brushed my teeth after chilling in my living room, After I brushed my teeth I got in bed moving the hello kitty I placed under the blanket to the side so I could lay down. I made sure my phone was charged, I guess I was pretty tired to fall asleep 2 hours before I usually do because not long after I placed my phone down I fell asleep.

« Time Skip- At School »


I walked passed the gate and saw Yeji, Ryujin, Felix, and Jeongin talking to eachother, but their smiles faded away when they saw me approach them.

When I got to them they looked at me worried. "are you okay?" Ryujin asks me. "uh yea, are you okay?" I answer and ask Ryujin. "do you even know what happened?" Felix asks me. "no...?" I respond "you dont check the school group chat?" Yeji asked me in a confused shocked voice. "no? why? what happened?" I ask all of them wondering why they look so worried. "look" Ryujin says handing me her phone.


*photo of you and minho in a back hug position waiting in line*

I saw Minho and y/n together
at a place down town
written anonymously

*video of you guys making the hello kitty toy kiss each others faces*

Also saw them playing with
a plush I'm assuming minho bought her.
written anonymously


were they on a date?
written anonymously

Seems like they were
written anonymously

But yesterday Minho told
me he was single and wasnt
interested in anyone
written anonymously

But yesterday Minho told me he was single and wasntinterested in anyonewritten anonymously

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Y/n posted this yesterday
written anonymously

Minho must be lying or something
theres no way he would date her.
written anonymously

Y/n is to ugly to be with him
written anonymously

Y/n pov

"Who the fuck took these?" I ask looking back at the photo and video after reading the messages.

I gave the phone back to Ryujin and looked at them. "thats what were trying to find out" Yeji says. "what were you doing with Minho anyway?" Jeongin asks me. "uhm.. Well Im in a group with him and I finished our project by myself and he decided to take me out, as friends of course and we walked around and he bought me this toy I wanted and I guess I was excited that I started playing with it with him and yea" I explain to Jeongin.

"ah okay" Jeongin responded. "well how are we gonna clear this" Felix asks us. "uhhh make Minho and Y/n tell everyone they aren't dating?" Jeongin suggest. "people at lunch heard me say he isnt my boyfriend and now they see a pic of us together getting drinks and playing with a toy." I say to Jeongin. "rightt..." Ryujin says. "lets just see what happens and if something happens we will do something" Felix tells us.

We head inside and some girls automatically stare at me with some dirty look. I start to get uncomfortable and my friends notice so they get closer to me and we hurry faster to my class.

« Time Skip »


Me and Felix get a desk at the back of the room, Felix lets me sit by the window and so I do. Not long after, a girl goes up to Felix and stares, it was the girl who talked back to me saying ",I wont let you get away with this". "what" Felix says to her.

"you do know your girlfriend is cheating on you right" The girl says pointing me out. "She's not my girlfriend" Felix says to her. "whatever you say." the girl says walking to a seat.

I was talking with felix until some paper ball hits my face. "what the hell" I say as I grab the paper and un crumple it. "You dont deserve Minho. I hope he breaks you" the paper said. "Just ignore it" Felix says to me after reading the paper.

Minho walked in and looked around until he saw me and Felix, He looked at us and waved then sitting down at a chair and immediately the girl who sat next to him yesterday sat with him.

Minho pov

I walked into class and looked around for y/n and Felix, when I saw them i wave to them and sat down, immediately Jay-ri sat next to me.

"I thought you didnt have a girlfriend." Jay-ri said to me. "I don't" I responded to her. "Then what are those pictures of you and y/n on some sort of date in the group chat?" Jay-ri says to me sounding kind of pissed off.

"what pictures?" I question her, I dont remember taking any pictures with her besides the selfie at the bus stop she posted. Jay-ri then shows me her phone zooming in on our faces in the picture.

"this?" she says to me. Im creeped out about how there's pictures of me and y/n in the group chat. Jay-ri then shows me a video of us playing with the plush I bought her. "what the hell?" I say to myself.

"You told me you werent dating anyone and now I see these pictures and videos of you on a date with y/n." Jay-ri says to me putting away her phone. "one, We are not dating. two who the heck took those photos of us" I ask her.

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