(17) Birthday pt2

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A/n - kinda long chapter

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov


We were all talking until we heard the doorbell ring. "That must be felix, I'll go get it" Yeji said standing up from her spot and walking or the door. She opened the door and we could hear her say "happy birthday!" And after a couple seconds they both walk to the living room.

"Happy birthday!" We all say to Felix. He looks at us in surprise at this whole surprise birthday we set up for him. "U-uhm thank you! I was not expecting this at all-" Felix said. He looked around the place and was amazed by all of the decorations. "Thanks for this surprise" Felix says while giggling.

Ryujin quickly gets up from sitting and goes to the kitchen opening the freezer and taking out the cake putting these candles on the cake. She lit them up they were like sparklers, she held the cake and walked to the living room.

"Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu" Ryujin started singing we all went along with it. After we sung to Felix he blew out the candles and we all clapped. "how does it feel to be 18" I ask Felix jokingly.

"I really don't feel a difference but it's great" Felix responds. "WHO WANTS CAKEEEE" Yeji yells to us. "Me" "me me me me" "MEEE" we were saying we wanted cake and Yeji grabbed a knife and started to cut slices of cake.

We all are cake happy talking about what we all wanted to do. We all ate our cake and threw away our paper plates and all decided on what to do. "You guys wanna play just dance in teams?" Yeji suggest to us, we all say yes and she turns on her TV connecting it to her nintendo switch.

"So whos with who?" Hyunjin asks us. "Let's let birthday boy decide who goes where yea?" I answer Hyunjin and they all agree. "hmmm.. I choose y/n, Jeongin, anddd Yeji." Felix says. We all got into our groups and decided what team goes first. "Who's going first?" Minho asks us. "Let them go first" Ryujin answers Minho while pointing at us.

« Time Skip »

After both of our teams did like 5 dances we all decided to stop and take a break. "Oh... My god... That was so tiring.." Jeongin says while breathing hard.

We all started laughing and we decided what to do next. We decided to play hide n seek because Yeji's house had a lot of hiding places and was a pretty big house. We all put our foot in the middle and Felix did the "eeny menu miny mo" thing until Ryujin ended up being the seeker. "Dangit" Ryujin said after she ended up being seeker. "Count to 60" Jeongin said, she agreed and started counting.

Everyone ran around the house and in to hiding places, I searched almost the whole place and just ended up upstairs standing by the bathroom.

I heard Ryujin still counting and she was at 55. Sh!t I don't have a hiding spot I say in my head. I was about to turn around until someone grabbed me by my waist and into the bathroom that was dark. I was gonna scream because of how I just got dragged in to a dark room but whoever pulled me put their hand on my mouth.

"60! READY OR NOT HERE I COME" Ryujin yells out. I was still being held by someone with my back against them and their hand on my and their other arm around my waist. I grab their hand and take it off my mouth and step forward away from the person. I couldn't see who it was since it was dark so I turn on the light and see that it was....Minho


"What the fu-" I was about to say until he shushes me turning off the light. "Shhshhshh" He said to me. "Why did you drag me in here" I whisper to him. "Because you were just standing their and the time was up?" Minho whispered back to me. "Umm okay? You could've just told me to come in here?" I whisper to Minho. "You're right.. but you were just standing their so I rather drag you" He whispered to me. "Whatever" I whisper to him.

"So are you just gonna hide by that wall or are you actually gonna hide" I question Minho who's just standing next to the door. "What?" He questions me confused. "Nevermind" I say to him, I make my way to the bathtub being careful since it was dark and quietly open the shower curtain so I can go inside. I step inside then close it back quietly sitting in the tub.

A couple seconds later the curtain slowly starts opening and there was a standing Minho their. "What the hell are you doing" I whisper to him. "I'm gonna hide in here with you, duh" He whispers back. "We aren't gonna fit?" I say to him as he steps in the tub. "Then i'll make us fit." He says as he quietly closes the curtain. He sits close to me and we're in uncomfortable positions we were both getting hurt until we stopped and heard. "IM GONNA FIND YOU GUYS." From outside coming from Ryujin.

Minho stood up, "stand up" he says to me. "Huh? Whatever" I say about to ask why but then just stood up. We were both standing up and he makes his way behind me then grabbing on to my waist area slowly sitting down and bring me with him.

I was now sitting in between his legs, he made me lay my back against him and so I just sat their in between him laying back on him, his hands around me, while he sits with his back against the wall.

One of Minho's hands let go of me and started to press against my thigh. I furrowed my brows and lightly smacked his hand. "Quit touching me" I whisper madly at him and he just quietly laughs putting his hand back to where it was on my waist.

We just sat their in silence for a while listening to the others saying stuff through the walls until the bathroom door opened. The lights turned on and me and Minho went completely silent.

We heard footsteps coming closer until all of a sudden the curtain hiding us swung open revealing Ryujin looking at us. "Finally found you two!" she said to us then her face changed. "Wait what the hell are you guys doing in the bathtub together...OoOoOOo" Ryujin said as a smirk appeared on her face.

"Uh-" I said until Minho started getting up bringing me up with him. We both get up and look at Ryujin. We exchange looks with eachother until we decided to go downstairs

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