(25) Party pt6 | truth or dare

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Y/n pov

"Ok guys we're gonna start now!" A girl yelled out from the left side of me, everyone in the circle started to quiet down. "Alright I'll ask first" the girl said and we waited for her to ask someone.

"Hmmm.. ah, Jisoo truth or dare?" The girl said while pointing at Jisoo, most of us in the circle looked at Jisoo. "Uh truth" Jisoo answered. "Starting off with truth okay... Have you ever kissed someone?" The girl asked Jisoo and we all waited for an answer. "Yea I have." Jisoo responded and a bunch of us made a reaction. "Oooo, I'm not gonna ask for to much so you can ask truth or dare now." The girl said to Jisoo. "Ok. Uhhh" Jisoo responded to the girl and then looked around her for someone to ask.

"Y/n. Truth or dare." Jisoo asked me with a small smirk on her face, I swallowed my saliva then answered. "Truth" I answered. "Have you ever... Lost your virginity?" Jisoo asked me, my virgin ass hesitated before answering. "No" I answered. "Pft that's what I thought, who would want to take yours anyway." Jisoo said, everyone kept silent until.. "I would" Someone said, It was Minho. He said that. I turned and looked at him in shock.

"Pfftt Liar, you're just saying that so she doesn't feel bad" Jay-ri commented. "Shut up you literally forced a kiss on me when you saw y/n looking at us, And yes I would take her virginity if she let me" Minho said to Jay-ri. "You did?!" "Huh?" "Seriously?!" "Oh wow-". People started commenting about her forcing a kiss, Jay-ri looked around then quickly got up and stormed away. Everyone watched her walk away until she couldn't be seen.

"Anyways moving on...Minho ask someone" Jisoo said after we all just sat in silence watching Jay-ri walk away.

"Jisung, truth or dare" Minho asked Jisung. "Hmm, dareee" Jisung said with some strange smile appearing on his face.

"Oh okayyy, I dare you toooo... kiss one of the boys" Minho dared Jisung with an evil smirk. Everyone at the circle made a reaction like they were shocked or wanted to see it happen.

"Okay you weirdo- uhh.." Jisung responded to Minho then looked at the boys deciding who he would do it to. Then he decided to do it on Hyunjin who was right next to him. "Ok done, ew" Jisung said. Their was Hyunjin with some weirded out face. I made a small laugh at the two boys.

Jisung looked around at all of us at the circle to decide who he was gonna ask truth or dare.

"Yo I.N" Jisung said while moving his head up then down towards Jeongin. "huh" Jeongin said to Jisung. "Truth or dare" Jisung asked and Jeongin responded with truth. "Have you ever been in a relationship..?" Jisung asked him and we all waited for him to answer. "Uh no.." Jeongin responded and we were all just in awkward silence (caw caw caw) "I had nothing in mind so I just asked that" Jisung said with a little laugh.

« Time skip »

Everyone was getting asked truth or dare for a few minutes until it was Yeji's turn to ask truth or dare to someone. "Y/nnnn" Yeji said in a taunting way. "Dare" I responded to Yeji before she even asked me.

Ryujin started to giggle at Yeji and Yeji tried to hold in her laugh but smiling really hard. "I dare you to-to to" She kept laughing when she was saying "to". "IdareyoutokissMinho" Yeji said fastly then laughing really hard.

"Huh??!" I say to Yeji in disbelief. "K-I-S-S Minhooo" Yeji repeated then laughed again. "Why me, always me, always has to be me, just why, whyyy." I said out loud to myself.

I turned to Minho and saw him smirking at me. What the fork. I looked around us and saw everyone staring. When I say staring I mean STARING. I looked back at Minho and right when I did he slammed his lips on mine. Of course I kissed back🙃.

Minho was kissing me and not leaving my lips, I just closed my eyes letting him do him. My heart was beating really fast. "Yo get a room at this point" One of the boys said and we backed away from eachother "Oooooooooo" my friends and Minhos friends were saying in a like "ooooo😏😏" way.

« Time Skip »

Minho pov

It was like 1am and a bunch of people started to go home and so our friends decided it was time to go home. Y/n was sleeping in one of the living rooms sofa while the others were probably talking to eachother or something.

I tapped y/n to try waking her up but she didn't budge, I did it a couple more times and she still didn't move, I shook her body and she STILL DIDNT MOVE.

"Aish this girl" I whispered to myself then sitting her up on the couch, sitting in front of her, placing her arms and legs around me then getting up. As I started walking, y/n moved a little and placed her head on my shoulder. Cute.

I walked over to where our friends were at. "I got her" I said to them and we all made our way to the front door. It was kinda cold and none of us brought any other clothing for some reasons so we all just walked in the cold

"Are you guys doing anything tomorrow?" Ryujin asked all of us, we looked at eachother waiting for a response but none of us said anything meaning we had nothing to do.

"No" we all said. "Well then, maybe we can go out?" Ryujin suggested to us since we all were free. "Sure" most of us said and the rest agreed.

"Where tho?" Felix asked. "Umm.. I don't know, any suggestions?" Ryujin asked us. Nobody could think of anything but I had one thing in mind. "Maybe we could all just hang out downtown?" I recommended.

"Yea sure!" Ryujin responded and we all agreed, well maybe exept y/n who was sleeping on my back but she'll probably come.

We all walked together until everyone seperated their ways one by one leaving me and y/n since her apartment was the farthest. I got to her apartment and needed the her keys to open the door to get in to the building.

I didn't have her keys and idk where she put her keys, but it must've been somewhere on her in some pocket or something. I set her on the ground gently sitting against a wall and searched her costume but didn't find her keys. "Where in the world did you put your keys?" I whisper to myself in frustration.

The only place left was under her dress... I shouldn't be doing this but it's the only place left. I lifted her from under her arms and placed her upper body against me, I lifted her dress and saw her shorts, I saw her keys and phone so I took out the keys then carried her.

I opened the door then went to the elevator pressing the button then getting in. The elevator door opened and I walked until I got to her room. I opened her door, turned on the lights, placed her keys on a table and took off her shoes and mine, I walked to her room, took out her phone placing it on her nightstand, removed the blanket, placed her on her bed then putting the blanket back on her. I plugged in her phone on her charger next to the plush I bought her on the day we went downtown together.

I was really tired and needed to get home but my legs were tired to do anymore stuff and I lived probably 10 minutes away from here. It was really dark outside and cold. I walked out her room and sat on her sofa resting. I had to get home but my body was just dead. "She wouldn't mind if I slept over one night...right?" No matter how hard I tried to force myself to get up, I couldn't. Then I fell asleep on the sofa.

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