(41) Fight

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Y/n pov

As we were eating and talking, I look around us and caught some others looking at me. When I looked at them they would look away acting as if they weren't looking at me.

I went back to listening to my friends until I saw the three girls who were in the bathroom with me, the three of them were looking at me and probably saying stuff about me. I know they were the ones saying those stuff about me in the group chat.

I got up from my seat and started to walk towards them, "Y/n where are you going?"

"Y/n?" My friends were trying to speak to me but I continued to walk towards the girls.

I got to the girls' table and stood in front of them, "Well hello y/n, how's your day?" Jisoo says to me with a sarcastic smile, sitting down with her back facing towards me.

"Totally fine," I answer her, grabbing the back of Jisoo's uniform, pulling her up from her chair.

She stood up and I let go of her clothing, "Why?" I ask her knowing she is aware of what she did.

"Well, you deserved it. And Minho can do better." She tells me while chuckling.

I was fed up with her so I slapped her across the face which made her stop laughing and look at me, "You know, none of them wouldn't like someone like you." I stated to her and she starts to laugh.

"What do you mean? I'm prettier than you. Besides, why do you even hang out with them? it's not like you'll end up with any of them." Jisoo tells me, keeping straight eye contact with me.

I glance around and notice some people are looking at us, "Anddd.. you're also quite dumb, aren't you?" I stated to her which obviously made her mad causing her to pull on a handful of my hair.

Felix pov

I was talking to my friends after y/n got up, I don't know why she got up without saying anything but I just ignored it. I looked around us and saw that other students were looking in the same direction and I followed where they were looking and it led to y/n and some girls.

"Uh, guys.. what's y/n doing?" I ask my friends and they all look at me. "What do you mean?" Ryujin asks me and I point to where y/n is.

"She looks like she's in an argument with that girl," Yeji says as we all stare in y/ns direction.

Y/n pov

"Let go of my hair!" I clench my teeth, yelling at Jisoo trying to remove her tight grip on my hair. But instead of letting go, she slaps my face.

"Shut up," she whispers to me. The audacity of this snake of a woman, I thought as I stare at her in frustration. I was more fed up with her, kicking her leg which made her let go of me, holding the spot where I hit her.

Then Jay-ri got up and started pulling on my hair trying to stop me, she was pulling quite hard which hurt, grabbing her hands and dug my nails into her skin, making her lose her, which made her yell from the pain.

We caused a scene making more people have their attention on us and making more noise.

"They're fighting."

"oh my gosh," I heard some people say. Suddenly, Jisoo kicked my stomach quite hard causing me to lose my balance and fall.

Minho pov

I was talking to my friends until Jisung spoke up, "Is that y/n?" He said which catches our attention and look at him, "Where?" we all wondered and he pointed towards some girls with a crowd surrounding them.

I moved my head to get a better look since Changbin was in front of me and when I got a glance of what was happening, I saw a girl getting pulled by her hair from behind. I looked at her hair and figure and it looked similar to y/n.

The girl who was getting pulled by her hair grabbed the other girl's arms and did something which made the girl let go but then the one who looked like y/n got kicked to the ground.

Probably the whole cafeteria was watching the scene since they were making a lot of noise. I looked at the one on the ground and saw that it was y/n. What the heck are you doing? I thought to myself until I saw that she was getting kicked multiple times at her stomach and legs.

"She's getting jumped on!" I heard someone say and when I looked in the direction of the voice, I saw Jeongin looking worried.

I look back at the girls and saw that y/n getting kicked by the 2 girls, then she got up getting pulled up by her collar, and was held by the girl close to her face while standing.

Y/n then got a punch in the face and a bunch of reactions filled the cafeteria, I got up from my spot and quickly went towards the fight.

When I got to the fight, I grabbed y/n by her arm then pulled her backwards by her waist. She was trying to get out of my arms but I wasn't letting her.

"Let go of me!" She kept saying but no matter how hard she tried to remove my arms from her I didn't let go. She kept moving her arms trying to get away from me, she wouldn't stop moving so I let go of her for a quick second then quickly wrapping my arms around her with her arms stuck to her body so she couldn't move her hands.

I look at three girls she was fighting with and they were all giving y/n a look while holding on to their body parts where they probably got hurt.

I dragged y/n with me back to my seat. I told her to sit but she wouldn't listen to me, so I lifted her legs, carrying her onto the spot. Then I sat down next to her. I was about to take a bite out of my food but in the corner of my eye, I saw y/n trying to get up from her spot so I grabbed her by the waist and placed her on my lap, "Let me goooo," she whined while trying to push my arms off of her but I just wrapped my arms tighter which made her groan in annoyance but she eventually gave up.

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