(42) a normal after school

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Minho pov

I was eating while y/n was on my lap quietly. My friends were talking to each other and y/n wasn't saying anything. I looked at her and saw that she was glaring somewhere, I followed where she was looking and it led to the three girls she was fighting with.

They were giving each other dirty looks so I decided to turn the direction away from them so y/n wasn't facing them. Now I was sitting facing my friends.

« Time Skip - Next Day »

Y/n pov

I was walking to school by myself in this cold weather. Why can't it be winter break already~ I thought as I walked past the school gate.

I didn't see my friends so I was assuming they already went to class. I walked into the building and walked past everyone in the halls acting like nobody was looking at me when I knew damn well multiple eyes were on me.

I walked into my 1st period and sat next to Felix as always. Felix already had his notebook out, so I decided to take out mine.

A couple of minutes after talking to each other, Mr.Park came in. "Morning class, everyone take a seat and take out your notebook and something to write with so I can start reading." Mr. Park asked us to take it out our stuff and so we do.

« Time Skip »

I walked into my 2nd period and saw that Minho and Hyunjin were sitting next to each other. I knew nobody else in this class that I was friends with so I just sat next to this boy who was sitting alone. I looked around and saw that Jisoo and Jay-ri were sitting with some girls at the back laughing and talking, I then turned back around sitting silent in my chair.

The boy and I said hi to each other, had a little conversation, then the teacher came in, "Hey guys! Hope you had a good morning. Take out your notebooks and something to write with so you guys can take notes while I show the slides on screen!" The teacher tells us with a happy tone as this class is just- just dead as always.

« Time Skip - end of the day »

Y/n pov

My friends and I were all walking on the sidewalk on the way to our houses, "Bro, all this note-taking and stuff are so exhausting. I wanted to jump out the window." Ryujin complained while motioning her fingers.

"Welcome to the life of being a Senior. Where we all suffer in school harder than we've ever before." Yeji tells Ryujin as we all walk together.

"Then we have college," Felix adds on to Yeji.

"Right," Ryujin says and we all continued to walk down the sidewalk until we all got to our street.

"Bye y/n," Felix says as he waves to me before he takes his last turn to his house.

I got into my apartment room, took off my shoes, and put away my keys, then walking to my room. I plopped onto my bed resting on it after a long day of note-taking, studying, and just school in general. I can't wait till I finish school...

After some time of just laying on my bed scrolling on my phone, I decided to get up and shower. I got my clothes and went to the bathroom.

« Time Skip »

I got done with the bathroom and went back to my room. I saw my backpack on the floor and remembered that my battery pack was in it and I needed to charge it. I zipped open my backpack and saw... Homework. Frick every single piece of work in here, I roll my eyes as I pull out the homework and battery pack.

I plugged in my battery pack and brought the papers to my desk. I hate you, but I need a good grade, I thought to myself as I sat in my chair staring at the paper.

I took my homework and started to do it, I'd rather do my homework now than rather doing it later.

« Time Skip »


"Finally, my goodness," I sigh in relief as I lean back in my chair, but I slightly wince in pain from a small pain from some bruises that formed on my body from the kicks. I finished all my homework which was a pain but I succeeded.

I piled all my paperwork together then getting up from my chair to put it in my backpack. I put the papers in my backpack then grabbed my phone right after, walking out into my kitchen.

"Food food food food food," I chanted while opening my fridge. I saw some salad bowl that was in my fridge so I decided to eat it. I placed it on the counter removing its cover, I grabbed a fork and quickly got on my chair digging into my salad. A healing wound on my lip from yesterday stung a little when some food brushed on it, but my hunger overwhelmed that pain.

I was eating and scrolling on Instagram until my phone started buzzing and a notification came up.

7 dummies 🙃
Yeji is calling...

I pressed on the notification and joined the call.

Yeji: hi

Me: what

Yeji: nothing

Hyunjin: I don't get you

Me: Me neither

Yeji: I just wanted to bother you guys

Ryujin, Hyunjin: why

Me: Yeah why

Yeji: why not

Me: ok bye I'm leaving the call.

Ryujin: me too, bye bye

Hyunjin: goodbye

Yeji: meh, bye then.

Call ended

I left the call and turned off my phone as I took the last bite of my salad before it was fully finished. I hopped off my chair and went to wash my bowl and fork.

I set the bowl and fork on the drying rack then going to my sofa with my phone. It was still early and I had nothing to do, I just sat on my sofa looking around the room thinking about what I could do.

I just decided to watch a movie on Netflix since I didn't know what to do.

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