(26) Hangout

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« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

I woke up with my head kind of hurting and in my room in bed still in my costume. "How did I get here?" I ask myself in my bed. I grab my phone that I saw charging next to me and checked the time. 8:34am. I was pretty confused how I got in my room because the last thing I remember is talking to my friends at the party last night.

I got up slowly from my bed and went to my closet to get me some more comfortable clothes. I got out a white t-shirt that had a hello kitty face on it, some panties ofc, and some black shorts.

I took my clothes with me and went to my bathroom which was right in front of my room. I brushed my hair that was pretty tangled, after I untangled it I took off my clothes turning on the shower then getting in.

« Time Skip »

I finished drying my hair so I put away my hairdryer and brushed my hair one last time before opening the door and walking out.

I walked out in to the hallway and when I got out I saw Minho sleeping in my living room which scared me because I didn't expect anyone to be in my place. He was probably the one who brought me here.

"What the heck.." I said to myself then continued to walk to my kitchen. I'll go make myself some hang over soup since I needed it.

« Time Skip »

I made me and Minho soup just incase he needed some cuz idk what he did last night. I was just eating my food until I heard a noise from behind me. I look behind me and see Minho sitting up straight on the sofa.

"Good morning" I said to him and he looked at me and said it back. "Sorry that I slept here...I was really tired." Minho said to me while slowly getting up. "It's fine, do you want some soup? I made some." I ask him and he nods his head walking towards me.

Minho sits down on the chair next to me and grabs the bowl of soup and starts to blow on it. We both drank our soup for a little in silence until I broke it. "What did I do last night before I went to sleep?" I ask Minho.

"Uhhh I think you were with Yeji and Ryujin talking" Minho responded to me. "How did you bring me here?" I ask him after he answered my first question.

"I carried you on my back" He answers me before drinking his soup. "Was I drunk" I then ask before taking a sip of my soup.

"Probably. You drank out of that water bottle filled with alcohol and you wouldn't wake up when I shook your whole body." Minho said. "Ohh...." I said.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

I was washing mine and Minhos bowls as Minho sat in the chair scrolling on his phone.

"Oh by the way we're going downtown today." Minho suddenly said. "We?" I ask wondering who is we because I never agreed to doing anything.

"Yeah, Me, you, Yeji, Ryujin, Felix, and Jeongin." Minho says while still looking at his phone. I put the bowls and spoons on the drying rack and right when I did there was a Ringtone coming from Minho.

"Hellooooo" The voice on the phone said. Then more voices were speaking. I look at Minho confuse as he just has his phone set on the counter showing him.

"Why are you still in your costume? Did you not change?" The familiar voice said. I walk to Minho and see that he's on FaceTime in our group chat and everyone in it is in the call.

"That's not your house" Hyunjin says while moving his face closer to his screen. "That's y/ns house. Wait Y/NS HOUSE?" Felix points out. Then everyone starts going crazy and all talking at the same time.

I was standing next to Minho the whole time but not in the camera view, when they all started talking at the same time I go behind Minho and my head near his. "Calm down people" I say and everyone on the phone quiets down.

"Why is he at your house, Why isn't he at his, Why didn't he go home, why did he sleep at your place...wait..." Ryujin starts asking a bunch of questions then her face went to a smirk when she said "wait". I look at her with a confused face and then Yeji says something.

"oOoOoOoO....sneaky sneakyyy" Yeji says with a smirk. "NoOooO" I say while walking away from Minho on to my sofa.

"Anyways what time and where are we gonna meet up" I hear Felix say. "Uhh how about 2 o'clock at the park." Yeji says and they all agree. "Okay byeee see y'all laterrr" one of them say and they all hang up.

Minho places down his phone and turns around looking at me. "2 o'clock" He says and I nod my head in response. "So like you're going home dressed as a killer doll" I mention and he looks down at his outfit. "That's embarrassing" He says. "Go take a shower in my bathroom, there's towels in one of the dressers under the sink." I say to him and he gets up going to the hallway. "Thanks" He says then goes in to the bathroom.

When he went in, I went to my room and picked out an outfit.

When he went in, I went to my room and picked out an outfit

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(Or you can imagine anything you want)

« Time Skip »


Minho walked out the bathroom and saw me sitting on the sofa, dressed up, and on my phone.

"Why are you dressed up you still have like 5 hours" Minho asks me while standing at the frame of the wall. "Cause why not" I say to him while only moving my eyes to look at him. "Um okay well I'm gonna go to my house now" Minho says while walking to the door. "I'm gonna go with you" I say while looking at him put on his shoes. "Uh okay then" He responds while tying his shoe lace.

I get up from the couch and go to my room to grab my bag. "Wait I'm gonna get my bag" I tell him while speed walking to my room.

I take off my purse from the hook behind my bedroom door and make sure my wallet is in their. When I saw it in their I open my nightstand and take out my battery pack and unplug my charger putting it all in my bag then walking outside.

"Ok I got my stuff" I say walking to the door to put on my shoes and grab my keys.

We walk out and I lock my door. We both walk down the hall and go to the elevator.

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