(11) Make up - date

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"The only person going to get choked is you with..you know who" Yeji says to to me wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk looking at Minho for a split second. "OH MY GOD NOOOO" I say getting up from my seat about to go away until someone grabs my wrist. I look at my wrist and see Minho grabbing on to it, I try shaking my arm to make him let go but he wouldnt let go a single bit.

"let go" I tell to Minho. "no" he says back. "yes" "no". We went back and forth exchanging yes and no, I tried to drag myself away from his grip until I gave up."oh my" I said to myself as I sat back down. I look at everyone at the table, The boys stared at me, while the girls looked at me trying to hold in their laugh. "umh.... AHAHAHAHA" Yeji laughed then Ryujin laughing with her.

"whats so funny" Felix asks the girls. "I THINK WE JUST WATCHED A WHOLE A LOVE SCENE AHAHA" Ryujin answered him. I looked at Felix and saw that he made a fist about to get up to hit Minho.

"Heyheyheyhey what are you doing" I say stopping Felix by grabbing on to his wrist. He rolls his eyes sitting back down.

everyone at the table stares at me, minho, and felix back and forth.

"hey you two. make up. right now." I say to Minho and Felix. "why?" Minho asks me. "yea why" Felix says after Minhos comment. "Im not gonna put up with this. make up or i'll force you to" I say to them. "fine." Felix says looking to Minho. "sorry." Felix says to me. "sorry." Minho then says. "okay...." I say to them. "friends" Felix says taking out his hand for Minho to shake. "friends.." Minho says back grabbing Felixs hand then letting go. "okay, finally god damn." I say after that awkward interaction.

« Time Skip- after school »

Me and Felix were all walking together on our way to our houses after the rest took their turns to their ways. "bye" I said to Felix as he goes his way. Now im alone walking home, not long after I finally arrived home. 4:10pm I set my keys on the little table by the door and take off my shoes heading to my room. I put down my back pack and plop on my bed, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket so I take it out and see what it was.


Minho: remember i'll pick you up at 6 later.

yup i'll be ready by then


Minho texted me a reminder about later and I replied back. I got up from laying down and looked through all my clothes for what to wear later. I ended up picking a dark sage green shirt, black and gray plaid skirt, and a black light jacket.

(your outfit, if you dont like the outfits I put in the story then you can imagine whatever clothes you want to wear

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(your outfit, if you dont like the outfits I put in the story then you can imagine whatever clothes you want to wear.)

I put my clothes on the bed and went to the bathroom.

about 20 minutes later I turn off the water and twist my hair to get all the extra water out then grabbing my towel wrapping it around me and hopping out the shower.

I dry myself then putting on my clothes, I did my hair and makeup then walked out the bathroom.

I go to my kitchen and grab some bread, putting some jelly on it so it isnt just plain bread. It was 5:06 at the moment so I still had like an hour before Minho came. I set my jelly sandwich on the table before going to my room to check my phone. there was a few notifications from the 8th grade group chat so I clicked it wondering what it was.


I over heard some students
saying that Minho and y/n
are dating, is it true?
written anonymously

Maybe..They were sitting together
at lunch with a few others.
written anonymously

No way. who would date y/n?
she's ugly in my opinion.
written anonymously

What the hell do you mean.
she's literally gorgeous, smart,
kind, and one of the best people
I've ever met.
written anonymously

Yeah she is pretty but theres
no way shes dating Minho.
written anonymously

Will you mind your business
and not spread false stuff about me.
me and minho are not dating.
written by Kim y/n

After I sent my message I put my phone on my charger and went back to my kitchen to eat my sandwich.

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