(33) Again

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Y/n pov


I was at the snack bar with Yeji and Ryujin, sitting at one of the small tables, waiting for time to pass.

I was talking to Ryujin as Yeji does something on her phone. Yeji made a sound, which sounded like a snicker, which caused me and Ryujin to bring our attention to her, "What's so funny?" I ask Yeji as she looks at both of us wide eyed.

"Nothing-" Yeji quickly responds.

I look at her with a straight face as she hides her screen from us by bringing her phone closer to her while still looking at us. "I know you're hiding something, showww us," Ryujin begs Yeji to show what she was laughing at her phone.

"No." Yeji tells Ryujin and Ryujin's face went from a pouty and begging face to a 'serious' look. While Yeji was staring at Ryujin and paying no attention to me, I took the opportunity to take her phone quickly from her hand.

"Hah!" I yell out in victory from successfully snatching her phone. "NoOo," Yeji yells at me while lifting her bottom from her seat and reaching over to me to grab the phone. I tease her as I stick my tongue at her, jokingly, as she sits back down, defeated.

"Now let's see...-" I see what she was laughing at, "I- What. The. Hell." I say while I process what I saw on the screen seeing what she reacted on, Only to see a picture of me and Minho sleeping on the bus.

"What is it?" Ryujin asks me while sliding closer next to me, moving her head to get a better view of the phone.

"Oh-" Ryujin reacts to the photo, then tries to hold in her laugh. I slowly move my eyes towards her while squinting them with a 'don't even' gaze.

"Ok, sorry sorry." Ryujin apologizes to me while putting her hands up as if she's being pulled over by the cops.

« Time Skip - 1st period»

Y/n pov

I sat next to Felix at our desk as always. I would sit with Minho if I could, but we thought of an idea to not be so close to each other in school than out of school, in order to prevent more dating rumors and more drama between us and our friends.

All the students in this class, were all inside the classroom and talking to their friends. I notice Minho had someone new next to him, it was a different girl other than Jay-ri. Now that I think of Jay-ri, I haven't seen her the whole time I've got to school this morning.

I turn my head to see if she was in the classroom but she wasn't. I wandered around until I locked gazes with Minho. This is awkward, I thought while keeping our eye contact with each other.

I couldn't really interact with him as much on school campus, maybe if there was no other students we could, but we have to avoid as much interaction to avoid getting into drama. We were staring at eachother until he raised both of his eyebrows which made me stop sinking in my train of thoughts and look away.

Mr. Park entered the classroom, "Sit down pleas, get out your notebooks and a writing tool." he orders the class and we follow.

"Anyone absent?" Mr. Park ask the class, we all look up and around to see if anyone was missing and we all saw that a chair was empty meaning someone wasn't here.
"Yes." We tell the teacher and he catches on, noticing a student isn't here, who is Jay-ri so he marks her down absent.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

"Alright, that's enough for today guys." Mr. Park announces to the class while closing the book he was reading to us.

Me and Felix put away our stuff and get up from our seat, as well as everybody else. I glance at minho and wave him goodbye, unnoticed by the others, then walk out the class with Felix.

We walked down the halls, towards our next classroom.
"Bye," we say to eachother then go our own ways, there was still only 3 minutes until 2nd period started. I walked in the room and see that nobody I knew was in the room, so I go to a random desk and get seated.

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