(32) Going home

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3rd person


Everyone was asleep except for Yeji. She was awake ever since they got on the bus and has been on her phone the whole ride. She was scrolling on Instagram and looking through the photos she took.

She was scrolling through her gallery and came upon a group picture, She thought it looked really cute so she set it as her wallpaper.

Yeji pov

I set my new wallpaper on my phone, then tugged my phone away in my pocket. I was tired, but I didn't want to go to sleep yet so I just continued resting, looking out the window.

It was quiet during the ride besides the white nose ringing in my ear. I was watching out the window, looking at all the cars passing by and lights flashing outside, until I heard a grunting noise from behind me. I turn around and spot Y/n snuggling her head on Minho's shoulder moving her sleep position in a more comfortable position.

I saw that y/n snuggled her head closer to Minho and a small smile formed on my face. Awe they're so cute I say in my head looking at the two sleeping peacefully.

As the person I am, I took out my phone and opened my camera. I moved a little forward, off my seat to get a better angle at the two. When I found a good angle I pressed the button and took a picture. Click.

I didn't realize that the sound of my camera was on and with my luck, I also forgot to turn off the flash from taking my recent pictures of the food back at downtown.

Oh shoot- I thought, worrying that they would wake up. My luck was so good today. Y/n woke up.

I saw Y/n clench her eyes from the flash then slightly open them, "Yeji what are you doing..?" Y/n tiredly asks me as I face away from her, frozen in my position.

"Uh, nothing- go back to sleep." I tell her, nervously. I waited for a response but there was nothing. I turn my head and see Y/n back to sleep with her head still on Minho's shoulder.

That was close, I think to myself, looking out the window.

« Time Skip »

3rd person


The bus stops at our destination which everyone wake up, except for Y/n. Everyone starts to stand up and gets ready to walk down the bus aisle, "Y/n." Minho calls out to y/n while poking her cheek.
"Hm," Y/n responds while tiredly opening her eyes.
"We're here." Minho tells her, then Y/n sits up straight, holding on to her plush and making sure she has her stuff.

They all got off the bus and start to walk the direction of their houses. "Today was so fun." Jeongin says while putting a lolipop in his mouth.
"It was, We should do this more." Ryujin adds, while kicking some small rocks on the sidewalk.

They were all walking together until Y/n ended up alone because her house is farther from the others from the bus stop.

Y/n got home and placed her keys on the table, took off her shoes, turned on the lights, and went to her room.

Y/n pov

I entered my room, took off my bag, placed the big hello kitty on my bed, plugged my charger in the outlet, and my phone in the charger. Then, went to my closet to get myself into pj's.

I got in my PJ's and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I took off my makeup, untangled my hair to make it easier to brush my hair later, took off my clothes, and hopped in to the shower.

I finished my shower and dried myself, getting dressed, and brushing my hair while drying it.

After I finished doing my hair I put away my hairdryer and turned off the lights. I went to my living room and plopped on my couch turning on my tv and playing whatever showed up on my yt recommendations.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov


I've been sitting on my sofa watching tv, snacking on foods, and going through my phone. It wasn't late but I was pretty tired, I'm assuming it was because of all the walking and stuff I did today with my friends.

I let out a yawn and my eyes were getting heavier as time went by so I decided I was gonna go to sleep.

I cleaned up all the snacks on my sofa and got up to close the curtains that revealed a silent neighborhood and a sky with tiny stars and a moon. I shut the curtains and grabbed my phone turning off the lights in the living room.

I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and did my facial routine. I went to my room moving the big hello kitty plush next to me under the blanket. I grabbed my charger and plugged in my phone making sure my alarm was on.

I ignored all the notifications on my phone and just shut it off, soon I drifted off to sleep.

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