(48) A Better School Life

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Y/n pov

We got inside and the warm feeling as I entered the school entrance got to me, "So much warmerrr," I sigh in relief after suffering in the cold.

"Where are we gonna go? it's still early," Ryujin says while looking at us and we all look at each other, clueless as well.

"I don't know, hang out in one of our classes until it's time to go to our actual classes?" Yeji suggests and we all agree just agree.

We decided to hang out in Yeji and Ryujin's first period class, we all went inside the room and hung out in the corner by the window. I was in between Minho and Yeji with Felix between Yeji and Ryujin.

We were talking for a few minutes, as we were talking more people came in. They would look at us for a few seconds then look away. Probably because we weren't supposed to be in this class but they didn't seem to be bothered so we just stayed.

"Awe~ look at Jeongin's post on Instagram," Felix mentions while showing his phone to us. We were all in awe at how cute he was.

"Hold up imma go like it right now," I sat reaching into my pocket for my phone. I check my pocket and feel it isn't there so I check the other and it also isn't there.

"Where in the world is my phone?" I ask myself feeling my clothes for it but getting no sign of it. I was looking around my whole body and the floor for my phone cuz it wasn't on me.

I heard my friends chuckling but I just ignored it thinking they were doing their own thing.

"Y/n," Yeji called my name and I stand back up looking at her.

"What?" I ask, looking at her Ryujin and Felix giggling.

I look at Yeji, waiting for a response until she points behind me, I raise a brow in confusion. She was signaling for me to turn around so I did.

I turned around and see Minho taking selfies. I didn't suspect any of it so I turned back around to my other friends. "What about him?" I ask them and they laugh. Felix points at his phone then at Minho, I look at them even more confused as I turn back around to Minho and look at the phone in his hand.

I was about to turn back around but I take a second glance and realize he was using my phone, "That's my phone!" I say while snatching the phone out of his hands causing them all to laugh at me.

"How the heck did you get my phone?!" I shout, scrolling through my phone checking if he did anything else, "How the heck do you know my password?!" I ask looking at minho, furrowing my brows as he just laughs.

« Time Skip »

It was almost time for class to start, so Felix, Minho, and I said our byes to Ryujin and Yeji and we all walked together to our class.

When we arrived, most of the students were already inside so the desk were mostly taken, "You can sit with Minho, I'll sit over here." Felix tells us while pointing at an empty chair next to a classmate and we agree quickly before the teacher comes in. Minho and I went to an empty desk and sat down waiting for the teacher.

Class went by without any weird stares or anything.

I went to 2nd period without any weird looks or vibes, started and ended class without anything bad.

3rd period went by normally like the past periods.

I actually had a normal lunch with my friends, no stares, no looks, no bad vibes, and everything was better than ever than the past lunches.

4th, 5th, and 6th period was the best 4th, 5th, and 6th periods ever compared to the past.

« end of the day »

My friends and I walked out of the building, "That was the most normal school day I've ever had in my whole 12th-grade life," I told them and they smiled.

"Ok but like, why is it just happening out of nowhere, like people start acting normal to you randomly?" Ryujin asked and that put me in to thought. For real how did that happen?

"I really don't know" I answered her as we walked passed the school gates.

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