(4) New people

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When he pointed at the girl, the girl saw and she got all happy and started squirming around in her seat. "1 more minute guys, get in your group or I will choose for you if you arent in a group" The teacher says to the class.

I look over to the girl I was sitting with and saw that she still had her head down, she looked like she was sleeping but I don't think she was sleeping with all of this noise going on.

"Hey hello kitty girl" I call for her. She didnt move but im guessing its cuz I called her "hello kitty girl". I tell Hyunjin to wait and I make my way over to the girl who looks just about asleep. "yo hello kitty" I say to her while tapping her head multiple times quickly. She sits up and looks at me "what?" She says to me, quite rudely. "Just get up" I tell her, when she got up I grabbed her wrist and walk her to Hyunjin's desk.

Y/n pov

Minho dragged me to another table with 2 people sitting in it.

"Ok, so this is your group...?" I say questioning Minho. "Yes. Our group" he says to me. "Our group?..." I say questioning why he said "our", I never agreed to being in a group.

"Yes OUR group." Minho says exaggerating. "I never agreed to being in this group though?" I tell Minho, the two other people with us move their head up and look at me. "Yea she never agreed so she should leave. Bye!" The girl sitting in the chair says to me with an evil grin while waving her hands.

I just roll my eyes at her and turn around to go back to my previous chair but right when I turn and take a step, a hand grabbed on to my arm and pulled me back to where I was previously standing.

"You're not going anywhere, princess."

Minho says while pulling me back in place. "Excuse me?" I say to Minho, 1 because of the fact that he just pulled me back, 2 because he called me... princess??. The girl in the chair rolled her eyes at me seeming very annoyed. "Huh? But-" I started to say something but the teacher cut me off.

"Ok, time up everyone." The teacher says getting up from the chair she was sitting on. She examines the room and sees that everyone has a group .

"Good job getting in to groups, If you guys already know each others names good, if you dont then do it after you choose a country or some time later." The teacher tells the class. After she said that, she went to the chalk board and taped a paper on the board. The paper was slightly bigger than a normal sized paper and it had spaces where we can write on it.

"I will number your groups. You guys are group 1, you guys are group 2....." The teacher says while pointing to the groups starting from the front to the back. A little after she finished she told us that when she calls our group we go to the front and write our group number on the country we choose.

。:*☆ Magical Time Skip⁎⁺˳✧༚

Everyone finished choosing a country including my group. The teacher made us sit close to eachother, like next to eachother and the other 2 people either sit on the table besides, in front, or behind the other 2 people. After we all seated in our spots the teacher then explained what we needed to do and gave each group a paper with the list of things we need to have. After a while, class was done and we had a 5 minute break before having our next period.

"Where and when are we gonna do this dumb project" The boy with hair a little under his ears asked. "Uhhh.. my house 6pm later today." I answer the boy. "Alright then" Minho responds to my answer. I look at all three of them but when I looked at the girl who was sitting by the window side looked me up and down then with some disgusted face for some reason then looked away from me.

I looked at my uniform incase there was something on it but their was nothing wrong with it. Then somebody called my name from behind. "Y/n?" The person said. Me and my group looked over to the door.

It was Yeji, she had a weird smirk on her face when she saw me. "Hey! Come on lets walk to 3rd period together" she said to me. "Uh im gonna go now" I say to my group. They all watched me head towards the door.

I got to Yeji and we walked in the hall. I looked at her with some weirded out questioning face.

"Why the hell are you smirking at me like that you weirdo" I asked her. "Getting boys on the first day huh?" She says to me while wiggling her eyebrows up and down. I looked at her with a shocked face eyes wide open "NO" I yell, causing some people in the hallway to stare at us. "Sorry" I apologize to the people then look back at Yeji who is giggling.

"Then who were those 2 cute boys you were talking to? Hmmmm??" She says to me with a grin on her face. "Those are my group partners! You weirdo" then she starts laughing more "sureee" she says to me. As we continue walking in the halls We see Felix and Jeongin.

"hey Felix, Hey Jeongin!" I say as we walked closer to eachother when we were close enough I hugged Jeongin cuz I havent seen him since like last week. I let go of the hug and wave them bye.

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