(10) Make up

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Y/n pov


I wake up from my alarm and quickly turn it off. I get out of bed and did my morning buisness. After that I went to my room and made sure my stuff for school was inside my backpack. I grabbed my backpack and phone with me and walked to my door putting on my shoes, grabbing my keys, walking out and locking my door.

« Time Skip »


I walk to school and see Yeji and Felix talking to eachother. "yejiiiii, felixxxx!!!!" I say as I slowly start to run to them. "hiii" Yeji says to me I say hi back and wave hello to Felix. "where's Ryujin?" I ask them noticing Ryujin wasnt with them. "Probably coming soon, she overslept." Yeji answered me. "ah ok, lets wait for her then" I say to both of them.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov


Me, Felix and Yeji were just chatting, I look away from them and see a running Ryujin coming towards us. "Ryujin!" I say as she came closer, when I said that the other 2 with me turned my direction and saw Ryujin.

"*pant* hey...guys...*pant*" Ryujin says to us with hands on her knees breathing for air. "You could've walked- we still have like 25 minutes before school starts." I tell Ryujin. "Well I wanted to see you guys so here I am." she says while still breathing in air.

"girl take this-" Yeji says while handing a water bottle to Ryujin. Ryujin takes the water and drinks it "aahhh" she says refreshed after drinking it. "DAMN" We all say wide eyed looking at the water bottle thats half empty. "heh... I guess I was thirsty.." Ryujin said embarrassed. "its fine, lets go inside now." Yeji says, we start to walk in to the building.

« Time Skip »


Me and Felix came to class early and got ourselves a desk together. There was still 20 minutes before class actually started so we just took out our phones and did random things with them. "look at this filter" I told Felix showing him some filter I found on Snapchat, I held my phone that was standing on the desk next to Felix's phone and we took a few photos back and forth. As time went by more students came in and Minho came in at some point taking a seat somewhere behind me and Felix. Right when Minho sat down a girl ran to the seat next to him.

Minho pov

I walked in to class and saw Y/n and Felix together playing with their phones, a few girls putting on makeup, 2 boys talking about soccer, and 1 sleeping.

I sat down at a chair and immediately a girl sat next to me. "h-hello" the girl said to me "hi" I responded not looking at her. "you're pretty cute.." she said to me sounding shy. "thanks" I respond to her unsure on what to really say. "My name is Jay-ri" (Its just a name I made up for her) The girl told me. "Minho" I respond back.

"not to be weird or anything but...a-are you..single?" She asks me seeming shy and embarrassed. "yes, not interested in anyone" "oh really, im single to. Maybe we can be friends?" "mhm" "thanks" we had a small conversation untill my eyes saw Y/n laughing with Felix with the biggest smile ive seen on her face, am I jealous?

"um Minho?" Jay-ri says catching my attention. "hm?" I ask her. "are you okay? you seem zoned out" she asks me. "Im fine" I reply back. "oh um okay then...." she says while opening up her notebook.

Y/n pov


Me and Felix were laughing for a little until we stopped. "I feel like i couldnt breathhh" I say to him while we both get out our notebooks putting it on our desk. I was putting my notebook on my desk and then I see Felix looking behind us. I look at him confused "you good?" I ask him. "mhmm." He responds still looking back. "you clearly are not-" I say while turning around to see whats behind us only to see Minho looking towards us. "are you serious." I say with a "im so done" tone.

I look at Felix and Minho back and forth until I stop and grab the sides of Felixs face with both of my hands and turn him to face making him away from Minho. "Will you both quit it and be friends or something my gosh.." I say annoyed.

"If you dont make up any time soon or something I will literally hurt you both until you do." I say to Felix as he grabs a pencil to write with. "whatever" he says to me.

Mr.Park walked in and got everyones attention. "sit down please" he asked the class and so we did. "anyone absent?" he asks us and we all said no. "lets get started then." he says while sitting down on his chair opening the book.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

It was finally lunch time and Me, Felix, Yeji, Ryujin, and Jeongin all sat at a table eating our food. A couple Minutes later Someone came out of nowhere and sat in between me and Yeji making Yeji fall on to Ryujin.

I looked at who it was and saw it was Minho, he looked at me back with a smile and I just looked at him confused. Felix looked..well annoyed. "y/n get your boyfriend away from me!" Yeji yelled out to me....which was louder than usual..... A bunch of kids looked at our table and saw me and Minho very close to eachother.

"oops.." Yeji said sorry about what just happened. "BOYFRIEND?!?!" Ryujin looked at me in shock, Jeongin looked at me wide eyed, and Felix looked at me in shock and confusion.

 "BOYFRIEND?!?!" Ryujin looked at me in shock, Jeongin looked at me wide eyed, and Felix looked at me in shock and confusion

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"no no no no no no no." I said to myself.
"y/n....is he your... boyfriend?" Felix asked me unsure on what was going on "no. just no. only no." I said to him and everyone.

Felix put a hand on his chest being dramatically relieved, and Jeongin went back to eating. "sureeee.."Yeji and Ryujin said to me with a smirk on their faces. "NoOoOOoOOO" I say to them. I looked at Minho and he just had a smirk on his face.

not long after, 2 other boys came and sat next to Jeongin. "uh- oh hello" Jeongin said to the boys. Everyone at our table just stared back and forth at eachother. "Is he your boyfriend?" Ryujin asked me pointing to Hyunjin. "NO! I dont have a boyfriend now shut up before I choke you." I say to Ryujin.

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