(22) Party pt3

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Jay-ri pov

I was at the kitchen with some people taking a sip of my soda until I saw Minho and Hyunjin walk in to the living room and they looked hot as heck, there was also this girl following them that was dressed in a maid outfit but I just shrugged it off thinking she was just heading the same direction as them until she followed them and ended up in the same area as the two who sat with their friends.

I got suspicious and looked more in to them and saw that she was talking to the boys. "Who the hell is she talking with those boys huh?" I ask myself in my head. They were talking for a little and I just watched the whole time until I saw that Minho grabbed her and pulled her on to his lap. That's when it got to me. "Who the fuck is she?" I whisper to myself as I finish the last of my soda.

2 boys then opened the cooler next to me and grabbed some drinks, they closed the lid and walked to the living room. I watched where they were going and the 2 boys ended up where Minho and his friends were. 1 of the boys who were just at the cooler gave a drink to the girl on Minhos lap.

Y/n pov

I was just listening to the boys around me laugh and talk until Felix and Jeongin came over. "Here you go" Felix said to me while giving me a soda. "Oh thank you!" I said as I took the soda and opened it. "We're gonna go to the other living room bye, don't do anything stupid" Felix said to me while walking away with Jeongin.

I took a big sip from my soda and made a face from the feeling of it. "Can I have some" Minho asked me. "No, just kidding here" I jokingly said no to him while moving the soda away from him then giving it to him. He took the soda and took a big sip from it then gave it back to me. "Seriously" I said to Minho when I felt that the can was almost empty. "It's not like you were gonna finish it" Minho said to me while smiling. "Yeah I was gonna finish most of it" I said back. "In like 2 hours" He said to me while laughing. "Whatever" I responded back taking a sip from the can.

Jay-ri pov

I was getting annoyed at how that girl on Minho was talking to all the boys who usually reject girls. I was just glaring at them until someone stood next to me also watching them. "Who is she" She asked without looking at me but looking at the girl on Minho. "That's what I'm trying to figure out." I respond back. "Whoever she is, I'm gonna ruin her." The girl next to me says. "Same...we should do something about her.. a plan?" I ask the girl, then she slowly turns her head to look at me with a smirk appearing on her face.

« Time Skip »

Jay-ri pov

We made a plan to get her drunk, We went in to the living room earlier to see who the girl was and turns out it was y/n. The girl who I made the plan with was named Jisoo (not a kpop idol, I just chose the name) and turns out Jisoo was in a group with y/n. We decided to get a small shot cup and fill it with some alcohol even tho we were all under aged for it, And we got a plastic water bottle and dumped out the water replacing it with some alcohol that looked like water. Then we decided to start.

Y/n pov

I was just talking with Minho and his friends until I heard someone call my name. "Y/N!" The person called out, I turn around and see its the girl in my group Jisoo. "Someone is calling me I'll be back" I tell Minho standing up from his lap and walking to Jisoo.

"Yeah?" I ask Jisoo why she called me here. "Take a sip with us, please" she begged along with a girl who usually sits with Minho in class. "Oh um..sure" I respond to the girls, they got all happy and we did cheers and took a sip. I didn't like the taste but I still drank it. "Here take this water bottle incase you get thirsty" Jisoo said as she handed me a water bottle which I thanked her for it then walked away with it back to Minho.

I go back to where I was and sit back down on Minho, my head felt a littleee dizzy but it didn't hurt. After a couple minutes my throat became dry from all the talking and laughing so I opened the water bottle Jisoo gave me and took a big sip and started coughing hardly after leaning to the front. "Are you okay?!" Chan who was sitting across from me asked worriedly. Then they all started to worry for me, Minho then leaned closer to me not knowing what do and so did the others because I kept coughing and after I stopped coughing some tears were forming from all the coughing and the taste of the "water"."

"What happened?" Chan asked me. "I don't know if it's my taste or this water taste terrible." I said while sniffling through words and wiping my eyes. "Here give it to me let me see" Chan said while asking for the water bottle so I gave it to him and he opened it.

"Ew- this isn't water this is alcohol?!" Chan said after smelling the bottle and closing it. All the boys looked at Chan confused. "Where did you get the water?" Minho asked me while hugging on to my waist. "J-Jisoo gave it to me" I answered him. "Huh?! What is wrong with her." Minho said to me. "Why would she do that? I mean she is annoying but why would she do this to y/n?" Hyunjin says in confusion.

"I'll go get her some real water" The boy named Jisung said while getting up from his spot.

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