(3) First day Of school pt2

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Y/n pov

I lifted my head to see who sat next to me. Lee Minho. I saw Minho next to me but he wasn't facing me, he was looking at the front of the class. I roll my eyes at him not wanting to be with him.

I look around the classroom and saw that a bunch of girls were looking at me with an annoyed face, I heard a lot of  annoyed noises if you know what I mean. I was assuming they wanted Minho to sit with them. First day of school, already have people who don't like me. I put my head back in my arms and shut my eyes again.

The teacher came in and introduced herself then did attendance.

"Okay guys today we will be doing a project with groups! Each group should have 4 people, I know its the first day but trust me. You will be studying on a country of your groups choice, I promise it will be fun!" The teacher says explaining what we will be doing. " who am I gonna partner with?" I say in my head because none of my friends are here and I dont talk to anyone here.

"You guys can now choose your group mates, You should be with your group by 10 minutes, If some of you dont have a group in 10 minutes I will choose myself. You may go." The teacher says before releasing us to pick our groups.

Everyone got up, some went to their friends, while some went up to Minho and the boy who was surrounded by some girls in the beginning on class. Since Minho was right next to me I kinda got attacked and surrounded by a bunch of girls and they were wayyyy to close to me

I kinda just sat in my chair being squished, trying to push them away but they pushed back. my friends werent here for me to partner with and nobody asked if I wanted to partner with them, even tho i was RIGHT THEIR, WITH THEM INVADING MY PERSONAL BUBBLE. They were all pushing and it made me lean towards Minho.

Minho pov

The teacher released us to get in to groups, I already know me and Hyunjin will be together in the same group cuz we always are but we needed 2 more people. When we got released a group of people went up to me and Hyunjin.

The girls who went up to me were way to close to me and clearly way to close to the girl next to me, I was looking at everyone until something pressed against my arm and hurt me, I looked at the spot and the girl who was being pushed against me had a clip in her hair stabbing against me.

It was starting to annoy me that there was so many people in our personal space so I had to do something.

"Can you guys like back away a little? You're invading our personal space. Especially her" I say while pointing to the girl who literally has her upper body and head leaned on to the side of me with her hands covering herself in defense.

Everyone starts to back off but still near us, The girl next to me slowly sits up on her chair fixing herself.

Y/n pov

I fix myself when I sit back up from being invaded by a bunch of girls. Do these people know what personal space is?" I say in my head.

Of course the girls go back to asking Minho if he wants to join their group. "I already have a group." He says to the girls. They all became confused.

"5 more minutes." The teacher reminds us. "Well wheres your group" "I dont see them" "you're lying" "you've been here tho?" Girls start to ask questions. "My group is him, and umm...her." Minho says while pointing at his friend and.. me?

"But you need another person" one of the girls say. "Thats none of your concern, He will choose who he wants. Now go away and make another group" I respond right away while looking at the desk im at.

"Excuse me but im not talking to you." The girl says to me annoyed. I get up from my chair and stand in front of her "And I dont give any damns now go away you're annoying me." I say to her seriously, Me saying that seemed to get the classes attention, everyone had their gaze on me especially the teacher.

"Kim Y/n, language. 3 more minute everyone." the teacher says to me then the class. "Im not gonna let you get away with this." The girl whispers to me then started walking away furiously.

I sit back down and see Minho looking at me, I look at him for a sec then put my head down in my arms on my desk once again.

Minho pov

Everyone started to go back to their desk and while they did I went over to Hyunjin who had a girl sitting next to him talking to him but he didn't seem to be interacting with her.

"Hey, we need one more person for our group." I say to Hyunjin, he then looks at me without saying anything, he looks annoyed. We stare at eachother for like a second then he points to the girl next to him who's staring at me, Im assuming that shes gonna be the one in our group.

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