(35) Caught

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Y/n pov

After that girl walked away, Yeji and I sat down in our seats, "Why was she looking at my phone, I hope she didn't see anything personal or something." Yeji tells me while scrolling through all her notifications.

"I'm pretty sure she just saw an Instagram notification or something." I tell Yeji to calm her down from intensely scrolling on her phone.

"Yeah, I guess I shouldn't be so worried.." Yeji response while turning off her phone and putting it in her pocket.

« Time Skip - Lunch »

Y/n pov

Me, Yeji, Ryujin, Felix, and Jeongin got our food from the cafeteria, "Me and Jeongin are gonna sit with the other boys, is that okay?" Felix tells us while about to walk in a different direction from the girls and I.

"Yeah sure," I respond to him and the other girls agree.

"We'll see you later then," Ryujin tells the two boys then walks away telling me and Yeji to follow her.

The two girls and I sat down at an empty table and started to eat, "So.." Ryujin starts.

"Hm," Yeji and I respond to Ryujins starting sentence.

"So.. Y/n." Ryujin says while looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Uh, yeah?" I ask her wondering why she said my name.

"Do you have a crush?" Ryujin asks me while poking her food with a fork while having a smirk on her face.

"ooOOoO" Yeji teases while looking at me with a smirk.

"If I say yes?" I ask Ryujin wondering what they will do if I had said yes.

"Then you tell us who it is, duh." Ryujin answers me.

"If I say no..?" I ask her again.

"Then...I don't know you're lying." Ryujin tells me and I look at her with a confused face.

"Uh- okay umm... Why are you asking me this?" I look up at the ceiling with a thinking face debating whether I should answer or not if I even have a crush or not, then I just end up asking why she asked me the question.

"Because I want to freaking know if you like Minho or not- I mean- umm... I want to know if you like someone or not-" Ryujin answers me and then says something she probably shouldn't have had said, trying to change it.

"Ryujin!-" Yeji raises her voice at Ryujin while holding in her laugh but still smiling. I stare at Ryujin with my mouth open because of what she just said to me.

"We're in school, why do you want to know that? why do you think of that? what the heck." I start asking a bunching of questions while staring at Ryujin with an 'are you serious right now' type of look.

"Um, so do you like anyone or not?" Ryujin asks me with an awkward smile.

"No." "liar." "not lying." "liar." "I do," "who?" "not like anyone." "are you serious?"

Ryujin and I had a quick conversation until I ended it with an, "I do.. not like anyone." And she was probably done with me.

"Answer my question or I will never have sleepovers with you again." Ryujin threatens me jokingly hoping to get an actual yes or no answer from me.

??? Pov

I was walking past some tables to get to the trash to throw away my trash until I heard people talking about having a crush. I quickly looked around with my eyes standing in place until I spotted the table that was talking about crushes.

"Answer my question or I will never have sleepovers with you again," one of the girls who were Ryujin said to the person next to her who was y/n.

"I don't knowww, I can't even answer myself if I like them or not." I hear y/n whine. Who's "them"? I thought to myself. I moved a little closer to them to get a better listen.

"Who is 'them'?" Another girl asked who ended up being Ryujin.

"Yall better not overreact or something or I will leave this table and go over to another." I heard y/n say, I looked to the other girls she was with and they were all leaning closer to her.

I was being nosy and not minding my own business, I decided to walk closer to their table and act like I was just passing through. "Who is it?" one of the girls says. I waited for a response until...

"Minho.." y/n said.

I walked past their table, acted like I didn't hear anything, and continued to walk to the trash like I was doing before.

So she isn't dating Minho but...likes him... I thought to myself and continued to walk to the trash.

Y/n pov

"Minho.." I answered Ryujin while she and Yeji were listening. Right, when I said his name a girl walked by. Imma hope she didn't hear me, I think to myself looking at the girl then focused back to Yeji and Ryujin who gasped.

"I knew ittt!!"

"Oh. My. Gosh."

"Yall would be so cute together."

"y'all should be together". Yeji and Ryujin started commenting a bunch of things about me and Minho when I responded to them.

"Will you guys quit it, we're in school and I'm not trying to get jumped by a bunch of his fangirls or something," I say to them who are saying a bunch of random crap about our relationship.

"Ok ok.."

"yes, ma'am."

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