(34) Uh Oh

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Y/n pov

I was just tapping my pencil on the table, due to boredom with nothing else to do besides to wait. After a little while, I look at the opening door and there was Minho and Hyunjin entering.

They both spot me and smile at me as a subtle greeting. Hyunjin decided to sit with me, and Minho sat somewhat distanced from me but still nearby.

More students entered the classroom finding a seat and doing their own business. Me and Hyunjin were chatting with each other until I notice Jisoo walk in to the classroom.

I looked at Jisoo and she looked at me, we stared at eachother for a little until she gave me a look with an attitude, then looked around the room and sat with Minho. What the hell is her problem, I thought, remembering how she gave me a water bottle full of alcohol and thinking about how she just gave me a look just now.

"Y/n?" Someone called me, I turn my head towards Hyunjin, who was looking at me confused. "Yeah?" I ask him, wondering why he called me. "Nothing, I just saw you staring at Jisoo." He replies to me while looking at Jisoo for a second.

"Oh, it's nothing, don't worry." I tell him and he just shrugs it off, looking away.

The teacher came in and greeted us. "Hello guys, hope you had a good Halloween~" She told us as she looked down at the paper in her hands.

"We're gonna start a new subject about the past with our groups!" The teacher announces to us with a smile, trying to keep positive in our dead class, "This month, I will show slides about different stuff and I will give you guys articles." The teacher announces to us and we agreed as we had no choice.

« Time Skip - end of 2nd period »

As the bell rang, me and Hyunjin were packing our bags and exiting the classroom, same with Minho who still kept distance. I waved at Minho and Hyunjin, who was heading the opposite way, as I continued walking to my class which was two doors away from mine last class.

I enter the classroom and spot Yeji, excitingly waving at me. I walk towards her desk and sat to the empty desk next to her, "Can we take a quick spot at the snack bar, I skipped breakfast and I'm starving." Yeji exaggerates, I laugh at her, teasingly.
"I'm thirsty myself as well." I add on as me and Yeji leave the classroom and quickly head to the snack bar.

??? Pov

I enter the classroom, waving at some of my classmates while heading to my seat. I pass by a couple of seats which was empty but was clearly taken from the bags and someone's phone left on the table.

Passing by slowly, I see a bright flash from the corner of my eye. I glance at the phone screen which turned on from a notification, but ignored until I processed the wallpaper. I look back closer and notice the wallpaper of the phone.

I examined the wallpaper closer and see that it's a group photo with 3 girls and 4 boys. I recognized the faces, they were Minho, Hyunjin, Yeji, Ryujin, Y/n, and two other boys who are friends with them.

Me being nosey and still examining the wallpaper, I look at Minho who has his arms wrapped around y/n in a back hug like position. Seems like they're dating? I thought to myself looking at their position in the photo.

Y/n must be a big liar. I think to myself, 1 because on the first week of school y/n seemed to be with Minho a lot, 2 because all of a sudden they didn't interact to each other as much, and 3.. they seem to avoid eachother in school but in these photos they are really close.

I took out my phone from my pocket and opened my camera. I zoomed in on y/n and Minho with my camera on the wallpaper and took a picture.

Just wait y/n...just wait. I say to myself in my head thinking about how y/n was probably hiding something about her and Minho from the school.

I was looking at the wallpaper one last time until I heard someone say something out loud. "What are you doing?" The person said. I look up to where the sound is coming from and it's Yeji walking closer to me.

"Oh- uhm, I saw notifications from this phone and it wouldn't stop buzzing" I lie to Yeji hoping she would believe me.

Oh, okay then. Well this is my phone so you can go along now thanks." Yeji says to me while grabbing her phone and holding it close to her.

I look behind her and see Y/n standing their looking at me. I look at her for a second then back away from the desk going to mine.

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