(8) Drama

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Y/n pov

I woke up at 7am from my alarm, I turn it off and get up to go to the bathroom. I did my business, I washed my face, did my hair, and put on my uniform. I went to the kitchen and got myself a bowl of cereal and ate it. when I finished I washed my bowl and went in my room to put all my needs in my backpack.


*ding dong*. I heard my doorbell ring and ran out my room to the front door. I look through the peek hole and see Felix standing swaying side to side lightly with his hands in his pockets. I open the door and Felix looks at me, when he saw me he gave a big smile and hugged me.

(hes so cute I cant (╥﹏╥)) *pretend he's wearing the school uniform and doesnt have the headband and heart*

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(hes so cute I cant (╥﹏╥)) *pretend he's wearing the school uniform and doesnt have the headband and heart*

I hugged felix back then let go, "wait im gonna grab my backpack and we can go." I tell him, he nods his head and I run to my room to grab my backpack. I grab my earbuds and phone and put it in my pocket then making my way to the door. I put on my shoes and grab my keys then walk out locking my door.

Me and Felix were walking in silence, a calming silence. until I broke it "So why did you want to walk to school with me?" I ask Felix.

"ah, just didnt want to walk here alone and I just wanted to walk with you because we're like, bffs" Felix answers my question. "ah ok, why did you say you hope I have a bad dream" I ask Felix while slowly looking to him with a smile.

"oh- uh- I was joking, just joking." Felix says nervously. After he said that I laugh a little then hug him from behind while we still walk.


Me and Felix were talking to eachother, After a few foot steps from entering the school entrance gate someone called my name from behind. "Y/nnnn !" the voice said.

Me and Felix stopped walking and turned our head behind us, It was Yeji and Ryujin smiling at us. When we turned around me and Felix smiled and Yeji and Ryujin ran towards us to walk in to the school with us.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov


Me and Felix walked in to class and saw that none of the desk were empty for 2 people, all of the desk had 1 person in it with an empty seat or the desk was occupied. I sat on a desk that had a chair with a backpack on it and Felix sat at a desk next to me with a boy.

Me and Felix were facing eachother talking to eachother about random stuff until his eyes looked away from me and to something or someone behind me.

"lix?" I say to Felix with a confused face, He doesnt respond and I see he is still looking behind me.

Y/n pov

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Y/n pov

I stare at Felix and see that his face becomes serious looking, I hear a sound behind me and a chair move so I look at who it was. (of course) It was Minho. Minho was staring back at Felix with a serious expression and so was Felix doing it back. I look at both of them, left and right my head turns looking at the 2 boys on both side of me

more students walk in. "umm... you guys on earth or what?" I question both of them, none of them respond. "Hello?!" I say a little louder, they snap out of their glare and look at me. "can you not be near eachother without any violent looks??" I ask them.

"Tell him not to talk sh!t about me!" Felix says to me then looking at Minho. "You could've ignored it!" Minho snaps back. "Could've never cut us in line and kept your mouth shut!" "You don't need to punch me in the face about it!" "Maybe if you weren't so annoying I wouldnt have punched you!" "Control your anger!-"

Minho and Felix were getting louder causing the other students to look at us.

"Hey! can you 2 quit it?!" I raise my voice at both of them. They look at me then shoot one last glare at eachother before rolling their eyes at eachother looking away.

"are you okay?" "dont worry you're better than him" "that jerk!" a bunch of girls said to Minho. Mr.Park walks in the class headed to the teachers desk.

"ahem sit down please." Mr.Park says. all the students sit in their chairs and quiet down. "Nobody came late today?" Mr.Park asks. "no" the class responds. "good, everyone please listen as I start this story, we are starting this chapter book and after I finish a few chapters we will write down some important information." Mr.Park tells us, then we all get out our notebooks and utensils and start to listen.

« Time Skip - End of the day »

Y/n pov

Me, Ryujin, Yeji, Felix, And Jeongin all caught up with eachother outside and decided to hangout at my place for a little since we didnt really have anything to do. "Felix and Minho hate eachother?" Jeongin said out of nowhere. "yeah.. wait where did you hear that" I ask as we keep walking. "School groupchat?" Jeongin responded "huh?!" we all said to Jeongin

"someone said it, look" Jeongin said showing his phone to us. We all take out our phones and see the groupchat we havent looked at all day.


I heard that Felix and Minho hate eachother.
written anonymously

I think they had a fight in the cafeteria
written anonymously

That was because Minho cut Felix
and his friends in line
written anonymously

Yeah, me and my friends were
talking then we saw Felix punch Minho.
written anonymously

They both had an argument during first period in Mr.Parks class
written anonymously

Minho and Felix were yelling at eachother about what happened in the cafeteria until some girl scolded them lol.
Written anonymously

"These people really cant keep things to their self" Felix says while turning of his phone putting it in his pocket. "I mean the group chats are usually filled with gossip, drama, rumors and stuff." Yeji says.

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