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??? pov

I arrived at y/ns apartment at 5:40 which was still time before Minho was supposed to come pick her up. I hid behind a bush near her apartment and took out my phone to use it while time goes by. It was now 5:57pm and I saw Minho coming towards her apartment, then he walked through the door.

Y/n pov

I took one last look at myself in the mirror until I heard my doorbell ring. "must be Minho." I said in my head. I quickly took my jacket, and my bag that had my wallet, phone, and necessaries in it. I go to the door and open the door to see Minho standing their. I quickly put on my shoes and walked out with him.

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soon enough I saw Minho and y/n walking together out the door walking on the sidewalk. When they were far ahead of me but I could still see them I started to follow them. They stopped at the bus stop sitting with eachother talking about stuff. I put on my hood and stood near them and soon the bus came. we all got on the bus and I sat away from them.

« Time Skip »

??? pov


The bus stopped downtown and we all got off, I followed Minho and Y/n.

Y/n pov

The bus stopped and Minho let me get off the bus before him. When we both got off we walked side by side talking about random stuff for like 20 minutes until we got to the place we were supposed to go to. We got in line together.

"what drink do you want" Minho asked me. "uhhh I'll get the normal Milk tea with tapioca" I answered him. "okayy princess" He answered back to me, I got flustered by the name "princess" and couldnt hold in my smile so I looked down away from Minho.

"you okay?" Minho asks me with a smile on his face. "yea, im oka-" before I finished my sentence he pulled me infront of him with my back to his chest. I got a little startled from the sudden movement until I calmed down.
"dont be shy" He said to me while letting his arms hang over my shoulder.

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I watched Minho and Y/n through the window and when I saw Minho pull y/n in to a back hug kind of position I got mad, maybe jealous?... "Wtf." I said in my head taking out my phone taking a picture of them.

Y/n pov

It was our turn to order and Minho let go of  while you guys wait" the lady asks. Minho told her our order and she told us it would be ready soon.

After that, me and Minho went to a wall to wait for our drinks. "thanks" I thank Minho for treating me. "ah no problem, and thank you for doing that project for us" Minho says to me with a smile.

A couple Minutes go by and the cashier lady calls our number. "Number 367, 1 Milk Tea with tapioca and 1 Blueberry drink!" She calls. Me and Minho go to the counter to get our drink and a straw. We walk out the store with our drinks and start to walk more around town.

??? pov

I saw Minho and Y/n walk out and start walking the direction going more in town and so I followed, I didnt expect them to do more than getting drinks together and I told my mom I was going to a friend's house for a while and she told me to be home by 9pm. I continued to follow them until they walked in to some sanrio store. I walked in a little after them.

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