(23) Party pt4

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Y/n pov

Jisung got up to get me water. "How much did you drink out of the bottle?" Hyunjin asked me. "A pretty big sip" I responded. The horrible taste was stuck in my mouth and my head started to get really dizzy and started to hurt. I started to groan because my head was hurting and Minho laid my back on his chest. Jisung came back with a water bottle, opened it, and gave it to me.

I drank the water until it was half empty, the taste was kinda still in my mouth but I felt a little better, but my head still hurt and I was feeling dizzy. My vision was getting blurry and I was clearly not in a good condition. "Uhm she doesn't look good" Changbin said. Minho looked at me and saw that I was like, dead laying on him. "I'll go bring her to her friends" Minho said making me get up so he could stand up.

I wasn't standing properly but I only had to stand for like 2 seconds until Minho turned me around and picked me up. He picked me up and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He started walking and I just laid my head on his shoulder, was I drunk, was I dying, am I okay, no I'm clearly not okay and probably am drunk.

He walked around this big house looking for our other friends we came here with. After walking for a little he found Felix and Jeongin sitting on a sofa in another living room eating food. "Can you take care if her?" Minho asked the two boys.

"What happened to her?" I heard Jeongin ask. "Uhh she drank out of a water bottle which she thought had water but actually had alcohol" Minho responded "what the hell?" Felix responded in a like "are you serious?" Tone. "Just take her" Minho said while placing me on the 2 of them.

"Let me know if something happens" Minho said while walking away. I was sitting in between them with my elbows placed on my legs with my hands covering my face. Felix told me to lay down behind him and Jeongin and so I did, they got me some food and after I ate I slowly fell asleep, I don't know how but I still fell asleep with all the flashing color lights and music.

Minho pov

I left y/n with Felix and Jeongin and made my way back to my friends I was sitting with. "Is y/n gonna be okay?" Jisung asked me, I nodded my head in response and we all started to talk about whatever came to mind. After about 20 Minutes of talking, Someone from behind me tapped my shoulder and I turned around and saw Jay-ri dressed as one of those "sexy nurse". "Hello minho" she said with a smile. I greeted her back and asked why she was here. "Why are you here?" I ask. "Just came to say hi... Can you come upstairs with me I need to show you something. Please" Jay-ri said while putting her hands together in a begging position. "Fine but it better be quick" I responded getting up. Jay-ri got all happy and I told my friends I'll be back, then I followed Jay-ri upstairs.

There was a lot of people so we kinda had to push our way and squeeze through them. We got upstairs and Jay-ri lightly pushed me into a bedroom which seemed like a guest room. "What were you gonna show me..?" I ask Jay-ri while looking around the room standing in place. I turn around and see Jay-ri shut the door and walked towards me.

Jay-ri put one of her hands on my chest and started push me towards the bed behind me then making me sit on the bed. "What are you doing?!" I ask her taking her hand off me. "Just waitt.." Jay-ri said with a smirk.

She started to lean closer to me and I scooted back away from her on the bed until I reach the head board of the bed. I stayed silent not knowing what to do. Jay-ri then put a finger on my nose going down to my chest. "Lets have some fun! This is the closest we'll get.." Jay-ri said with a smirk on her face while circling her finger around on my chest.

I didn't respond until we heard a knock on the door, neither of us responded and then the door opened. Revealing y/n with Jeongin behind her. My eyes shot wide open and then Jay-ri pushed her lips on to mine kissing me, I looked back at the door and saw that y/n shut it closed aggressively.

Y/n pov

I woke up from a short nap and sat up trying to focus my eyes on what was going on around me, I was still at this party. I see Jeongin next to me and for some reason ask where Minho was. He said he didn't know but was willing to find him with me.

He helped me get around the place making sure I was okay because I was drunk. We couldn't find him and we went over to Minhos friends and asked where he was. "Where is Minho?" jeongin asked the boys while holding on to me.

"He went upstairs, he didn't tell us exactly where but he said upstairs." one of them responded. "Oh okay, thanks" Jeongin responded to them and continued to walk with me all the way upstairs.

We got up the stairs but we didn't see Minho so we started to look in to the rooms. We searched like 3 rooms until we got to one room at the end of the hall. We knocked and nobody responded so I open the door and see Minho on a bed with a girl on him. Right when I walked in, they were both looking at us then all of a sudden the girl kissed him.

I swallow my saliva looking at them. I felt some kind of way but Idk how to describe it. Hurt? Why was I affected by this? It's not like I had any deep feelings for Minho or anything, or did I? I did admit to myself that he was good looking, smart, kind, and just a great person in general, but I never admitted to myself if I had a crush on him. Not even a little.

I couldn't look at this anymore, was I mad? Idk what I felt but it was something. I shut the door harshly leaving them. Jeongin was behind me the whole time so I assume he also saw what I saw but he didn't say anything, he helped me get downstairs and we got down I told him he could go do whatever while I'll just be outside.

Minho pov

Jay-ri was still kissing me after the door shut so I shoved her off of me making her fall on to the bed. "Never will I want to be with you and Never will be with you." I said to her then rushing off the bed and hurriedly going out the room.

I looked around the upstairs looking for y/n but she wasn't up here so I ran downstairs peeking through every room in the house I knew and still couldn't find y/n. I saw Yeji and Ryujin talking to eachother with some drink in their hands. "Have you seen y/n?" I ask the two.

"No, why? What happened? Yeji asks me with a worried expression. "I don't know, she walked in to a room and saw that a girl was kissing me and I'm pretty sure she doesn't know that she forced me in to a kiss then she shut the door walking away and when I went out the room I couldn't find her, I searched the house and still couldn't find her." I explain to them.

"Well you done messed up, did you look outside?" Ryujin asks me. "No... But I'll look now" I respond then turning around walking towards the living room and out to the backyard.

I walked out in to the backyard and saw nothing but just some other people having fun. I walk inside and the only place I didn't check was the front of the house so I made my way to the front door and immediately saw y/n sitting on the railing facing the front.

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