(39) ditching school

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« Time Skip »

Minho and I sneaked out of the school and we're walking towards the gate, being more aware of our surroundings. It was pretty cold since it was October and I was wearing wet clothing which makes me even colder.

I wrap my arms around my body, hugging myself trying to make myself less cold which didn't really do much.

Minho and I were walking next to each other in silence and the only thing coming from us was our footsteps.

Minho pov

I was walking next to y/n silently, I didn't mind that we weren't talking because maybe she wasn't in the mood or something, so I decided to just look around as we walk.

We were on the sidewalk and I heard a noise come from y/n. She was hugging herself while sniffling. Is she cold? I thought to myself as I watch her walk a little ahead of me.

Of course she's cold, it's almost winter and she's wearing barely dry clothing with nothing covering her legs besides those socks and skirt, I thought while glancing at her. She kept sniffling so I decided to stop walking and take off my uniform jacket.

After taking it off, I caught up to her and called out her name, "Y/n." She stopped and turned around to look at me. I looked at her face and her nose was a little red and she was shivering. "Here wear this," I tell her, handing my jacket to her. She slowly took off her backpack from her back and right when she took it off, I put on the jacket for her.

After I put the jacket on her, she puts her backpack back on and her eyes lock in mine, I get lost for a second. My face felt like it started to heat up. Am I blushing? Maybe it's just cold. Yup, it's cold mhm. I break eye contact and I asked her, "What?" Wondering why she's just looking up at me. After asking her, she shook her head a little and came closer to me. I looked down at her, confused, and then she lightly grabbed my wrist and continued walking so I followed. I felt this feeling I couldn't express, the moment our eyes locked, it felt longer than it actually was.

Why do you make me feel like this y/n?

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

Minho and I got to my apartment, "aahh~" I sigh loudly in relief as the heat consumes my body from the heater. Minho followed me to the elevator as we entered.

"Uhm, thanks for walking with me." I thanked Minho as he stood next to me with his hands in his pocket. "Ah no problem, Thanks for needing someone to walk home with you. School is so boring." Minho tells me while chuckling a little.

Hearing him chuckle made me smile, which made me glad I was able to help him out of school as well.

The elevator door opened and he gestures me to walk out first. We walked to my place and entered, "You can do whatever you want, I'm gonna shower and change," I tell Minho while walking to my room.

« Time Skip »

Minho pov

Y/n just entered the bathroom and I was sitting on her sofa just looking around the place. My phone was dead and I didn't bring a charger. I should've charged it last night, I thought. Y/n keeps her charger in her room so I got up and went to her room. I walked over to her nightstand and saw her charger hanging over it. I plugged in my phone and went back out.

My stomach made a noise when I got out of the hallway, I checked the time on the clock on the wall and saw it was about 30 minutes before lunchtime. She wouldn't mind if I got myself some food, I wondered in my head.

She said I could do whatever, so I guess it will be fine, I thought as I walked to her pantry.

My eyes wandered around the pantry shelves, looking for food, and came across some noodles. I looked at the noodles and grabbed 2 packs from the box it was in. Might as well make some for y/n, I shrugged.

I walked back to her kitchen and searched the cabinets for a pot to cook the noodles in. I found a small pot and put some water in it then placing it on the stove, turning it on.

« Time skip »

Y/n pov

I finished drying my hair so I put the hairdryer away and walked out. When I opened the door, I smelt noodles. I kept sniffing the air to make sure it wasn't some scent that I imagined until I realized it was actually noodles. I walked to the kitchen and saw Minho sitting on one of the chairs, mixing a bowl with chopsticks.

Minho looked up from the bowl and saw my presence, "I made us some noodles since I was hungry, so I might as well make you some while I was at it." He told me with a soft smile.

"Oh, thanks!" I told him while happily hopping on the chair next to him.

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