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Jisung pov

Minho gave us a death stare after we giggled at him getting flicked on the forehead. We looked at each other awkwardly until I look away from him seeing y/n trying to go towards Ryujin and Yeji.

Suddenly, Minho grabs onto y/n's wrist causing y/n to freeze in her position and stopping her from going to the two girls only a few steps in front of her. Y/n tries to yank her hand away from his grip but he doesn't let go.

After a few seconds, Minho lightly pulls on her wrist causing her to turn around. When y/n turned around, Minho pulled her hand and used his free hand to press her against the concrete wall.

Minho was now pinning y/n against the wall looking slightly down at her. That pose they're in reminds me of those seen in k-dramas...

I thought of the best idea ever, I pulled out my phone from my pocket, quickly unlocking it and playing a song that seemed perfect for the sight we're witnessing right now.

I get defensive and insecure.♪ (Love Me Like That - Sam Kim)

As the song plays loudly, I spot Yeji and Ryujin fangirling across from us. They didn't stay in the position for long, as expected, y/n pushes Minho far from her then speed walking away from us. We watch her get farther from our sight as Yeji tries to call out for her, but y/n doesn't pause one bit and continues her way.

Minho stands there, dumbfounded when Felix and Jeongin finally continue walking ahead, "Nice one," Felix nudges Minho as he passes by, making fun of him.

"Get better," Jeongin giggles following Felix next to him. I follow behind them, wrapping my arm around Minho and jumping slightly causing him to stumble a little. We continue walking ahead, laughing at the incident.

"Why'd you do that? What was that for?" I ask, teasing him.

Minho pov

"She was beet red, she was blushing hard, she was definitely admiring me," I say, cocky. Jisung scoffed in response, "she couldn't stand my handsomeness," I continue, Jisung looks at me in disgust as well as Hyunjin side-eyeing me, eavesdropping on our conversation.

"What are you talking about?" Jisung unwraps his arm around my shoulder, removing the weight I was carrying, "You're ugly," Jeongin smiles in disgust but instantly speeds away from me.

"Come back here, you little brat!" I yell, chasing him, passing by Yeji and Ryujin who are laughing at us. I chase him, passing by a few houses and turning to the left following him until I finally saw him.

I was close to catching him when he suddenly grabs someone and hides behind them, I was too busy focusing on Jeongin I didn't see the person walking on the same sidewalk. I run closer towards Jeongin who is crouching slightly behind someone using her as a shield.

"Y/n! Help me! Control your boyfriend!" Jeongin shouts which left me wide-eyed in front of Y/n who is standing stiffly in front of me.

"Jeongin, I swear to god, stop hiding behind y/n!" I shout, still standing in front of y/n.

"Asshole!" Jeongin calls me.

Y/n pov

I hear Jeongin call Minho an asshole which kind of hurt my ears since he was directly behind me, Minho was visibly pissed off as I watched him try to grab Jeongin behind me. Jeongin's grip on my arm was too strong causing me to be stuck between the hassle.

What did I do to deserve this? I thought while I was getting dragged, Jeongin still using me as a shield and Minho's collarbone area an inch away from my face still trying to grab Jeongin who is screaming like a dolphin behind me.

My poor eardrums, I stand there powerless between the two.

"Minho, stop! oh my god," Felix says pulling Minho away as well as Hyunjin who is pulling Jeongin away from me, his grip finally letting go.

"You guys are causing a scene in this peaceful neighborhood!" Felix scolds them, laughing slightly.

"Oh god, y/n. You poor girl," Ryujin pities, pulling my arm to bring me closer to her as she brushes my messy hair neater.

"You had to drag y/n," Ryujin says disappointed, slightly smiling as she fixes the wrinkles on my uniform. I stood there, silently, completely exhausted from what happened.

"I gotta head home now," Felix mentions which reminded everyone.

"Oh yeah, I gotta go too," Jeongin says, realizing.

"Same," Yeji follows.

"Mk, I'll go too. See ya y/n, go home safely," Ryujin tells me, walking her way towards her house as well as Yeji and Felix who are going the same way.

"Bye!" I smiled, waving them goodbye and leaving my way as everyone else also continued their way home.

I got to my apartment, entering the elevator to my room floor. Once I've entered my apartment room, I hung my sweater on one of the hooks next to door as well as my keys. I go into my room, dropping my backpack full of my heavy school supplies which relieved my sore shoulders.

I went to the bathroom and showered, I stayed there longer than usual as it was very stress relieving. I would've stayed longer if hunger didn't slap me on the face. After changing into my home clothes, I went straight to the kitchen and searched every corner for decent food.

"Ramen again... this has to be so unhealthy to the max," I commented to myself as I grabbed the last pack of ramen from the cupboard. I begin to ready it an dplacing it in the microwave for 4 minutes. Staring blankly at the ramen bowl rotating in the microwave, a sudden thought hit me. My mind, all of a sudden, traveled to when Minho was up close to my face earlier.

Should I ask him for his skin routine? It's impossible for someone to have such smooth skin. His lips are so plump, it has the perfect shade of strawberry pink. Is it possible for it to taste like str-

All of a sudden, I was startled from the sound of the microwave beeping, it appeared louder since my apartment was very quiet. I realized I've been picking on my lips and I immediately stopped and went to grab my ramen in the microwave. My face felt heated and I used my hand to fan it cooler.

It's the ramen, I swear. I repeated in my head trying to convince myself as I ate my ramen until it was fully empty.

I did my own business to pass time, I ended up binjing on shows as well as scrolling through my phone on my bed. it passed time quickly, to the point it was time for me to go to sleep.

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