(21) Party pt2

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Y/n pov

I was staring at myself in the mirror wearing my maid costume seeing if I looked okay when inside me I was really not okay. I was staring until I heard my doorbell ring, I was assuming it was Yeji and Ryujin so I grabbed my phone and went to answer the door. When I opened the door I only expected Yeji and Ryujin but turns out there was Yeji, Ryujin, Felix, Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Minho. Wasn't expecting all of them to see me but okay.

"You ready?" Ryujin said. "Absolutely. the heck not but okay" I answered as I got on my shoes and putting my keys and phone in my pocket of the short shorts I was wearing under my costume. I walked out and locked my door and examined their outfits.

 I walked out and locked my door and examined their outfits

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(There were no pictures of I

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(There were no pictures of I.N or Yeji and Ryujin so just imagine that I.N has some clothes that had fake blood and some fake blood on his face, and Yeji and Ryujin as matching girl clowns.)

We all followed the navigation on Felixs phone, my friends were all smiling, laughing, and talking, while I was just walking behind them in embarrassment at the fact that I'm a cat maid walking on the sidewalk, like dude I probably look like I'm on crack.

As we were walking Jeongin then looked behind him and saw that I was walking silently behind them. "Why are you behind us? There is space next to us" he said to me which made the rest of them slowly stop and look at me.

"Maybe because I'm a maid walking on a sidewalk looking like I'm on drugs." I replied back taking off my headband and just holding it.

"You'll be fineee, now get over here maid" Yeji said to me jokingly. "I'm not your maid you clown" I replied back. "You'll be fine now get over here." Hyunjin said while telling me to walk with them. "Fine" I said as I made my way between Jeongin and Minho.

A few seconds later, I felt a hand go around me and just wrapped around my back on to my side. I look at what it was and it was a hand.. it was coming from next to me and I look to person next to me which was Minho, when he saw me look at me he winked at me then looked forward.

Boy are you trying to seduce me or something because good job, you succeeded. I bet I was blushing because my face started to heat up.

After walking for a little we finally got to the address and we saw a big house with some decorations, lights, and people outside so we knew we were at the right place. I felt nervous, really nervous, super duper nervous, because I'm going in to a house full of school Mates dressed as a cat maid. Oh lord.

As we walked forward I put my head down because I was shy, nervous, and embarrassed. Then the headband in my hand got taken from my hand and placed on to my head. I look up confuse and see that Minho is smiling at me. "Don't be shy, If someone does something to you I'll beat them." He says with a smile which made me smile.

« Time Skip »

Yeji and Ryujin walked inside before us, then Felix and Jeongin together, then me, Minho, and Hyunjin walking together.

When the three of us walked inside I looked up and saw people looking at me in some shocked looking expression or just some reaction. I got embarrassed even more and put my head down while walking with Minho next to me and Hyunjin next to him.

I felt an arm go around me and heard Minho say something. "Stop putting your head down, me and your friends are here when you need us" Minho said with a smile and so I lifted my head and just followed wherever he went. We ended up being at some place by the living room, Minho and Hyunjin sat on the spots that were saved for them by their friends who were here.

"What about her?" The boy I think who's name was Chan asked his friends while pointing at me. The boys who were seated looked up and stared at me which made me feel weird because they were all staring at me..while I was dressed as damn cat maid. I'm gonna kill Yeji and Ryujin istg.

"Sit down" Minho said to me, I looked around them and their was nowhere to sit. "Where, there's nowhere to sit" I responded to Minho. "Sit on the floor" Hyunjin said jokingly while giggling. "Seriously." I said to him, then he said he was just kidding. "There's nowhere to sit" I said while looking at all of them. "My lap is right here" someone said and I looked down next to me and see Minho pointing at his thighs. I look at him weirdly then look at the other boys who were weirdly smirking. "You know what I'll sit on the floor.." I say while going in between Minhos and one of his friends chairs.

As I was going in between them I suddenly got grabbed by my waist area and fell on to Minhos lap. "AH!" I made a high pitch scream when I got pulled. I looked at Minho who had is arms wrapped around me and was looking at me with a smirk. "Well now you have somewhere to sit" Minho says to me. My heart started to beat and I looked away from him.

"OoOOoOoO" Hyunjin said while looking at me and Minho, Minho then looked at him in the eyes and Hyunjin immediately apologized. "Who is she? Wait is she the girl you had a dating rumour with?" A boy who had black hair and a sharp looking chin asked Minho.

"Uh yeah" Minho responded. "You guys would make a good looking couple, not to be weird but I'm just saying" A boy with big cheeks like a squirrel said to us. "Why don't you guys just date" Hyunjin said. My heart beated crazy and I looked at Minho and when I saw him he was smirking. "Why don't we??" Minho said while moving closer to my face. "Uh yea no. Maybe later. No. I don't know." I responded not knowing what to say.

"Okay thennn" Minho said while backing away from me wrapping his hands more around my waist. Then we all started talking.

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