(30) Hangout pt5

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Hyunjin pov

I was looking at all the stuff that Jeongin and Felix were pointing at until I see the worker grabs a stick and raises it in the air. I follow the stick with my eyes and see that it's taking off a hello kitty plush hanging on the wall, "Oh, someone's getting that big hello kitty." I stated which caused the other two I'm with, to face my direction then at the direction im looking at.

We were all watching the hello kitty getting taken off the wall. We watched it all the way until it was given to the person, we looked at who the plush was given to and it was Minho. Wait Minho?-

"Uhh, ok." Felix says with a confused face, looking away from Minho.
"Is he good- nevermind I'm not gonna bother." I hear Jeongin say then go back to what he was originally doing.

Minho pov

"Thank you." I thank the worker by bowing at them for getting the plush for me, I look at the plush and smile softly at it as it reminds me of y/n.

I walk back to the other boys as they're getting the prizes they chose. They get the stuff they wanted, then looked at me. I look at their faces and see them looking confused and weirded out, "What?" I ask them.
"Nothing, lets go the girls are probably wondering where we are." Felix tells us as he stuffs his candy in his pocket.

Y/n pov

"Where are they?" Ryujin asks while looking around to look for the boys, "It doesn't take that long to get here from the arcade." Yeji states while also looking around us for the boys. I just sit on my spot looking around for any sign of the others, "They should be here soon.. I hope." I say.

We were sitting on the bench by the fountain, just looking around until Yeji says something, "Is that them?" She asks, me and Ryujin turn our heads towards Yeji wondering where she sees them.
"Where?" I ask Yeji and she points at the direction she's looking at.

Me and Ryujin look at her arm and follow where she's pointing. Her arm was pointing the front of us and we all looked at the boys walking towards our direction, "Yup, that's them." Ryujin says and we all just watch them walk our way.

I look at every single one of the boys until I stopped at Minho who was holding something under his arm. What is that? I think to myself seeing some pink and white thing he's holding.

"What's Minho holding?" Ryujin asks while looking at Minhos with an eyebrow raises.
"Uhh, It looks big"
"it's white and pink"
"is that a cat?". Ryujin and Yeji were talking to eachother while looking at what was in Minho's hands.

Yeji pov

Me and Ryujin were talking to eachother about what Minho was holding, until we stopped talking and slowly turned our heads towards eachother with a smirk, "That's a hello kitty." Ryujin tells me.
"Yup" I reply to her comment
"I wonder who it's forrr," Ryujin asks me with a smirk.
"oooooooo" we both shake our shoulders up and down while leaning towards eachother smirking.

"What the hell are you guys smiling about?" y/n asks us with a weirded out face. Me and Ryujin get ourselves back together.
"Nothing important" I answer y/n and she just looks away from us, still weirded out.

Y/n pov

What are they giggling about? I question them, still waiting for the boys to reach us. We greet each other once we were all finally together now, Hyunjin told us how Jeongin came last to one of their games, we laughed from his story as I constantly glanced on the Hello Kitty Minho was holding.

The boys were telling us what they did and things that happened in the arcade, "Oh, and by the way..." Yeji starts to talk which made us silent, "Uh well- why did- why do you have that? Why did you choose hello kitty as your prize?" Yeji asks Minho while looking at the plush in his hands.

"Bro, we were wondering the same thing." Hyunjin adds on.
"Uh....well this isn't for me?" Minho tells them while looking down at the plush then looking back up.
"Ok then who's it forrr" Ryujin asks Minho while wiggling her eyebrows, teasingly.
"It's- um- uh.. It's for y/n." Minho says while chuckling awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

I was just listening to their conversation until Minho mentioned it was for me. When I heard my name, I shot my head up looking at Minho. "Huh?" I hum not really knowing how to react.

"Oh, there was nothing I wanted at the prizes and I saw this and thought I would get it for you" Minho tells me with a red, but blank face while handing the hello kitty plush to me.

I take it from his hands and set the big plush on my lap holding it's small hands. It looks so cute, I thought while admiring the plush.

I admire the plush for a few seconds then look up at Minho who was already looking at me. I stand up and place the plush where I was just sitting then turn around facing Minho. He looks at me confused, I go up to Minho and give him a hug and tell him thank you. He seemed a bit shocked at the movement but I just chuckle it off then picking up the plush and sitting back down.

"Awee" I hear Yeji and Ryujin say while looking at me and Minho. I give them a judging face while taking a small glance at the others as well, Hyunjin was making a disgusted look at us while Felix and Jeongin were fake gagging. I roll my eyes at them but continued to admire the plush.

"Are we going to go or what?" Felix asks us, pointing at the main door of the mall. We nodded at him as we head out the mall.

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