(24) Party pt5

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Minho pov

I slowly walked to her and stood behind her. "Y/n" I said and she just responded with a "hm". "What are you doing?" I ask her. "Sitting on a fuck!ng railing, duhh" she responded with a little laugh. "What you saw in that room was a misunderstanding" I said walking closer to her. "Totally didn't walk in on you about to fuck a girl mhm" y/n said sarcastically.

"Turn around" I ask her as she's facing away from me. "Why" she quickly responded back. "Just do it" I kindly demanded her and so she slowly and carefully started to turn her body on the railing facing me.

When she faced me, she looked at me with a blank face. When I looked at her I saw that there was a trail of tears visible on her cheek.

I walked closer to her and put both if my hands on both sides of her holding on to the railing. "I didn't mean to make you cry" I said while looking in to her eyes as she stared back. "Then what were you doing with that girl on top of you hm?" Y/n asked me with a slight mad and sad look on her face.

"That girl said to come with her upstairs because she said she needed to show me something and my stupid self believed her and followed her upstairs, then she pushed me in to a room and made me sit on the bed, I tried to scoot away from her but she kept coming closer then you opened the door and she forced me in to a kiss." I explain to y/n what happened hoping she will believe me.

I looked at her waiting for a response and she looked at me and slightly tilted her head slightly lifting one of her brows. "How am I supposed to believe that?" She asked and I immediately answer. "My friends and your friends, they know it's true, you can go ask them." I respond to her.

I looked at her face expression and saw that it went from a mad and sad look to a look that said "I feel a little better". She looked more down to me and a little smile was shown on her face.

"Well since you told me I could just ask yours or my friends pretty straight forward...I guess I believe you." Y/n said to me with a smile getting bigger on her face. It made me smile and I couldn't hide it. Y/n really did make me happy everytime I'm with her. I've got to admit it to myself again, She is gorgeous, pretty cute not gonna lie, kind, and is just a sunshine in general. That probably sounded really weird and cringey but it's true.

Y/n pov

I told Minho that I believed him and a smile started to appear on his face. I can't help myself but I really do love him, I can't even tell if I mean it in a "I love you more than a friend" or as a "I love you as a friend".

He had a closed smile while looking at me, was I blushing? Probably, because my face started to feel hot. Aish what the heck is wrong with me for feeling this feeling I can't describe. I look from his eyes down to his lips. I couldn't help myself but to just have the urge to kiss them, jeez what is wrong with me.

I put both of my hands from the railing to support me to putting them on Minhos shoulders. I look back in to Minhos eyes and see him now staring at my lips.

After like 2 seconds of him staring at my lips, he looks up to me and stares at me, then all of a sudden. He kissed me. I was very shocked at the sudden action, and I liked it..(?) Not very long after he put his lips on mine, I gave in and kissed him back. We were just kissing until we heard a yell with a voice crack.

"aaAAaa" we heard and we quickly took our lips off of each others and looked to where the yell came from. It was Jeongin. He looked like he saw something he didn't want to see. He looked at me and I looked at him back. "Sorry-" I apologized to him and he slowly returned to his normal self.

"I didn't see anything, anyways Yeji told me to ask you if you wanted to play truth or dare inside with other students." Jeongin said to me, I looked at Minho and we both agreed to playing. "Sure" I responded hopping off the railing and slightly stumbling then catching myself to stand up straight.

Jeongin walked inside followed by me and Minho. We followed him upstairs and he lead us to some living room upstairs. Why does this place have so many living rooms.

When we got to the place there was a group of people sitting in a circle. I saw Yeji, Ryujin, and Felix sitting next to eachother and they saw me, Minho, and Jeongin and told us to sit with them, we walked behind the others and made our way to them sitting down on the space they made for us.

On the opposite side there was Hyunjin, and the boys who were downstairs with him. I looked more around us and saw that Jisoo and the girl she was with downstairs were next to eachother.

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