(16) Birthday

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« Time Skip - a few weeks »

Y/n pov

It's been a month since the whole drama stuff and now it's felixs birthday tomorrow. Me and my friends planned to throw a party for Felix at Yeji's house. I already bought a gift for Felix a few days ago with Yeji and Ryujin.

Since I didn't have anything important today I just decided to stay home and do my normal daily life. Just stay home watch the tv, eat, go on my phone, study, random workouts for no reason, and yeah that's pretty much it.

« Time Skip »

"Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep.... Beep-Beep.." My alarm went off at 7am even tho it's the weekend. I heard my phone and groaned as I turned it off. The idiot I am forgot to turn it off yesterday. It was to early to be doing anything so I just want back to sleep. Later on after I got my beauty sleep I decided to get up and get ready for the day. I checked my phone and I only had notifications from people I follow on social media but since there was so much I just turned off my phone and went to the bathroom to wash my face.

After I washed my face, I went to my kitchen and got myself some rice and the meat I cooked last night. I finished eating and drinking a glass of water so I went back to my room to see what I should wear today for the birthday. After looking through my clothes for a while I finally decided on what to wear.

I chose a white shirt to tuck under a gray denim skirt with black high socks and a black jacket to go with it.

I chose a white shirt to tuck under a gray denim skirt with black high socks and a black jacket to go with it

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(You can choose what you want to wear if you don't like the clothing I put in here)

Since I already took a shower last night, I put on my outfit and went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

I got out my makeup stuff and did a simple makeup look. For my hair since it was naturally wavy I fixed it up a little to make it look better.

 For my hair since it was naturally wavy I fixed it up a little to make it look better

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(Hair and makeup- or you can imagine what you want to look like, your choice)

After I got ready I grabbed one if my bags and placed my phone and other necessary stuff that I might end up needing or need. I went to my apartment room door and put on my shoes and grabbing my keys then walked out locking my door. I was inside the elevator going downstairs and I felt my phone vibrate.


Yeji: when are you going to come over?

I'm just leaving my apartment
I'll be their soon.

Yeji: ah ok then see you soon


After that small conversation I got out the elevator, walked out the door, and started walking on the sidewalk on my way to Yeji's house.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov


I got to Yeji's house and rung her doorbell *ding dongg* I heard the doorbell sound from inside quietly. Quickly after, someone opened the door for me. "Oh hi! Come in" Ryujin said as she opened the door wider for me. She shuts the door as I take off my shoes, after I take off my shoes I follow her to the living room and see that there are boxes full of decoration stuff.

"Oh hey y/n! We're just starting to decorate the place would you mind helping?" Yeji said as she grabbed a pack of balloons with something that blows the balloons. "Of course" I say, then I grab a sign that says happy birthday and hold it up. "Where should I hang this up?" I ask Yeji. "Hang it up on that wall above that table." Yeji says pointing to a table pushed against the wall with some food on it.

« Time Skip »


We finished decorating and we all stood in front of the place looking at the place we decorated. "Finally.." Ryujin said. "We need to get the cake" Yeji said after Ryujin. "Right...then lets go" Ryujin says turning around heading towards the door. Me and Yeji followed after Ryujin and put on our shoes. After we put on our shoes we all walked out the door.

"So...where are we going?" I ask them. "We're going to the ice cream store a couple Minutes from here and pick out a cake" Yeji says. We start walking and while we walk we just chat and talk about random stuff. When we got to the place we all decided on a cake for him and we brought it to the front and told the worker to write "happy birthday Felix" after the worker wrote it with the gel, we paid for it and walked home with it, we kept switching on who holds it because our arms kept getting hurt from having to carry it.

« Time Skip »


Me, Yeji, and Ryujin were all sitting in the living room watching TV until we heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it" Yeji called out and got up from her seat to open the door. She went to the door and opened it. "Oh hi! Come in" We hear Yeji say then we heard the door close and sound of people walking.

I looked over to where the sound was coming from and I saw Minho, Jeongin, and Hyunjin standing their. "Hi guys!" I said to them, Ryujin also greeted them.

"Sit down you guys" Yeji said to them as she sits down next to me. Minho and Hyunjin sat next to each other in between me and Yeji while Jeongin decided to sit on a pillow on the floor with his back against the part of the sofa where my legs should be but I moved them apart so they were on both sides of Jeongin so he could lay against the sofa. "When is Felix coming?" I ask. "I told him to come over at 5:30 so we still have some time before he comes.

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