(55) Christmas

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Seungmin took off his shoes, while he did I told him I would take his suitcase and put it in my room while he makes himself comfortable.

I came back to the living room where he was and saw him sitting on the sofa looking around the place, "Nice place you have here." He complimented and I replied with a thanks.

"So what have you been up to?" he asks me, I didn't really know what to say since so much stuff has happened with me and school. 

"Uhmm.. Just having fun with friends and dying in school pretty much" I told him and he lets out a small laugh agreeing that he does the same.

(I am terribly sorry I am to lazy to write the next few days of seungmins vacation here and I'm trying to make this story end because I'm lazy as heck yeah I'm sorry 😭)

« Time Skip- first day of 2nd week »

Monday morning, back to being alone since Seungmin left back to Japan. I just laid in bed staring at my ceiling thinking for a few minutes until I came back from my thoughts and went on my phone and came back to a whole bunch of notifications from texts.

I opened the notifications, they were all from a few hours ago because for some reason my friends just woke up early.

They were talking about Christmas and stuff.
Right, Christmas is on Wednesday.
I'm gonna end up going to that party one of them mentioned a while ago since I don't have any family around me to celebrate with, sadly.

I still don't have anything to wear to that party and I already know everyone at that party is either gonna be in some fancy Christmas clothing or in some PJs.

I was really thinking for like the first time this whole break, what am I gonna wear? I kept repeating in my head. Scrolling online for some ideas and just thinking in general.

Nothing came up.

I texted Yeji what I should wear. I don't even know why I'm asking her, after what she and Ryujin did to me for that Halloween party..

It was like I was having war flashbacks.. cat ears... Dress.. I shook my head and focused back on my phone after having flashbacks of that mess.


Hey, what am I supposed to wear to the Christmas party??

Don't worry I have something for you to wear


Why do you do this to me

Why am I even trusting you after what happened at the last party.

Don't worryyy, it's not that bad

Yeji: I promise


I'll stop over by your place later to give you clothes, I have it with me right now.


Well now there's no turning back she already has my outfit and I have no idea what it is. It shouldn't be that bad like she said. Right..?

The whole day I kinda just laid around and chilled at my apartment just going on with life.

I was watching TV until the doorbell rang.

Who is that and why are they here? I thought to myself as I got up from my sofa. I made my way to the door and looked through the peek hole and saw Yeji standing, waiting for the door to open.

I unlocked the door and she saw, "Hey!" She said with a big smile I said Hi back and let her inside.

As she took off her shoes I locked the door and we both sat on my sofa.

"What were you doing the whole day?" Yeji asked me. I just looked at her blinking a whole bunch before responding. 

"Uh, I just stayed here doing nothing until you came," I responded and Yeji didn't seem surprised.

"Well, I came here for a reason." She then continues to pull out a gift bag which I assume contains my dress. I looked at her in horror, but all she gave me was her mischievous grin. "Now c'mon! we need to try it on" Proceeding to clasp onto my wrist, leading me to the bathroom. She shoves me to the bathroom, pushing the gift bag to me forcing me to hold onto it as she slams the door shut.

Trying to process what just happened, I glance at the gift bag, hesitating to reach for the dress in it.

I have no choice, I sigh as I hold out the dress over my body, scanning it on the mirror. My eyes widen at the sight. Way out of my comfort zone, I thought seeing the Black bodycon dress that I held by the spaghetti straps.

"Hurry! I'm so dying to see this!" I heard a muffled yell from the other side of the door.

"Yeji! What is the dress?!"

"You're Chrismast dress, duh"

"Are we forgetting it's literally December, you want me sick for the new years???"

"Pair it up with a cardigan and some knee high socks, besides we're indoors."


I have ran out of excuses.

I sigh once more, giving up on trying to convince Yeji. I slip on the dress, adjusting myself at the mirror. The fabric of the dress  hugs my body just right with the length reaching just about arm level.

"You done?!" Yeji yells again, making me realize she's been waiting. I open the door knob hesitantly, revealing Yeji standing right across. Her eyes widen at the sight of me awkwardly standing in front of the bathroom door way.
"Oh my God. Are you actually Y/n?" Her mouth gapped open, too struck in her thoughts.

"Yeji, this dress is really not for me especially for my body." I comment.

"Nonsense, your waist is snatched" Yeji exaggerated as I believe nothing she just said. "Now change back and save that dress for later 'cause you are definitely wearing that"

I gave her a disturbed look as I continue to shut the bathroom door and change back to my original clothes.
This is so much more comfier, I thought.


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