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Yeji pov - a few minutes back

The bell rang not long ago and the teacher came in a little late, "sorry for being late class, get seated please." The teacher tells us to sit down and so everyone does. I look around and notice y/n still isn't here. Where is she? I thought to myself when seeing she wasn't here.

"Before we start, is anyone absent?" The teacher asks us and I immediately answer.

"Yes," I say while raising my hand. Most of the class looks at me, including the teacher.

"Who?" The teacher asks me.

"Kim Y/n," I answer the teacher.

"Really? She never misses class. Do you know what happened?" The teacher says to herself then asking me what happened to y/n.

"She told me she was gonna go to the bathroom but never came back to class," I informed the teacher and she looks at me.

"Can you go see if she's still in the bathroom?" The teacher asks me to do a quick favor and I agree, getting out of my seat and walking out.

I rushed to the bathroom which wasn't that far. When I got inside I noticed, a drenched y/n and Ryujin talking to each other. "Yeji!" Y/n calls out to me sounding relieved.

"What happened to you?" I ask Y/n while looking at the two.

"One of us will explain later, we need someone to walk her home and I can't do it. Can you?" Ryujin answers me with a questioning face while shooting a look at y/n.

"I can't do that, sorry y/n." I tell the girls and they both make an unrelieved look.

"Then why are you here?" Ryujin asks me and I look at her confused.

"Because the teacher told me to look if y/n was in here..?" I answer Ryujin with a confused face wondering why she asked that.

"Oh, I thought you saw my text in the group chat," Ryujin tells me and realization appears on my face.

"I didn't see your text and I also left my phone in my bag," I tell the two girls.

Ryujins checks her phone but there was nothing new.

Ryujin pov

7 dummies 🙃

Is anyone available to skip the rest of school?


Y/n pov

"I just sent a text to the group chat, lets Hope they respond," Ryujin tells me while bobbing her head up and down lightly, I nod my head in agreement. Someone better answer or I am dead.

A few minutes passed and Ryujin got notifications.

7 dummies 🙃


Ryujin: Is anyone available to skip the rest of the school?


Felix: I can't but why are you asking?

Hyunjin: I can't either.

Ryujin: Y/ns in the bathroom with her clothes soaked, we can explain later but she needs to get home and she can't go alone or she'll probably freeze to death.

Hyunjin: I'll ask Minho, his phone is dead.

Hyunjin: He said he can bring her home.

Ryujin: Thanks


Y/n pov

"Y/n, Minho's taking you home," Ryujin tells me and I just nod my head.

"Mhmm," Yeji says while smirking and looking at me. I look at her with a straight face.

"You can leave and get my stuff," I tell Yeji while pointing at the door for her to leave.

"Okay," she quickly says to me then turns around and walks away.

I look at Ryujin who is hiding her laugh with her hand.

"Don't even think of it, you should go to your class I'll just wait here," I say to Ryujin then she nods her head walking away. When she got to the door she yelled something to me. "Don't do anything naughtyyyy," Ryujin says to me, teasingly, then fully walks out.

"NoOoOOo" I yell back to her.

Yeji pov

I got to my class and the teacher saw me. "Did you see her?" She asked me and I nodded. What do I tell her, I try to think quickly. oh I got it.

"S-she isn't feeling well and her stomach hurts really bad, so she asked me to get her stuff so she can get home." I lied to the teacher.

"Aw, you can bring her stuff to her, I hope she gets better." She tells me and I proceed to gather her stuff. I got her stuff and walked out of the room rushing to the bathroom.

I was carrying her bag while walking towards the bathroom until I heard footsteps that weren't mine coming from behind me.

I turn around and see Minho walking in my direction and looking around the place. I didn't bother talking to him so I continued to walk until I reached the girl's bathroom. I walk inside and see Y/n with her arms crossed and looking at the walls. "Ding dong," I say, letting her know I'm here.

"Oh, you're here, thanks for getting my stuff." Y/n thanks me as I walk toward her to give her her backpack. "No problem, now I have to go. See you laterrr," I say to her then walk away from her.

As I was about to walk out the bathroom door, I see Minho standing by the door looking lost. "Y/ns inside," I tell him while walking away. He looks at me then walks into the girl's bathroom.

Y/n pov

Yeji just left and right when she did someone else came. "Y/n?" The familiar voice said. I looked up at the door and saw Minho sticking his head in to the room.

"Hm," I responded to him as I shot my head up to look at him.

"You gonna come out or am I gonna go in-" Minho asks me with an eyebrow raised and before he got to fully finish I responded with a hum and walked towards him.

He takes his head out from the doorway and looks down at me as I look up and stare at him. I look at him for a few seconds then walk around him walking away from the bathroom, I look back at him and see that's he's staring at me, I look at him with a slightly confused face and tilting my head in the direction of the door telling him 'let's go'.

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