(56) Xmas party

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« Time Skip - Wednesday »


For whatever reason one of the girls told everyone to meet up at my house without telling me, now they're all waiting for me to  get ready.

I stared at myself in my full body length mirror. I was wearing my black bodycon dress, black knee high socks, a cropped red cardigan, lastly topped with a Santa hat headband.

"Are you almost done y/n?!" I heard yeji yells from the living room.

"Yeah hold on!" I yelled back. I stared at myself in hesitation if I should go out or not.

"Fuck it"

I grabbed my phone and walked quickly walked out my room getting everyones attention as I stood there.

I looked at their expressions, they all seemed amazed by me.

"Finally can we go now I'm bored" Jeongin said which made everyone agree and get up.

It was dark out and but none of was were really dressed warmly for this winter weather, especially me.

We all got outside my apartment and started walking to the address the party was at. Everyone seemed cold.

Half way there. I was walking in the back of the group, my arms hugging my body, my legs freezing trying to walk, while shivering in this weather. Everyone was just chatting but Minho turned his head to look at me and saw me looking like I was freezing to my death.

Minho waited for me while the rest continued walking. I reached Minho, he saw that I was clearly not okay by the way I was walking.

He took off his jacket, put it on me, and zipped it up for me. It was a little oversized but I liked it like that. He told me to get on his back and so I did.

I looked ahead and saw that everyone was almost at the house.

"Hold on tight" he suddenly spoke breaking our silence.

"What-" I spoke confused but then Minho started running which made me freak out and hug on to him as tight as I could.

We soon reached the house and I was still on Minho's back. We got to the front and saw white falling from the sky.

We all looked up and saw it was snowing.

"The first snowfall" I said with a smile.

I got off Minho's back and we entered the house revealing many people.

« Time Skip »

We've been here for a couple hours, it is almost 12am, aka almost Christmas day. I stayed with my friends most of the time since I wasn't really into interacting with people.

I was with Yeji and Ryujin until they told me they were going to go to another friend somewhere in this house, they told me I could come along but I refused and told them to have fun so with that they left me alone on this sofa with other students talking.

I was a little thirsty so I sat up and made my way to the kitchen, it wasn't as crowded as the last party I went to since it's Christmas and everyone is probably with their family.

I got to the kitchen, got a Plastic cup, filled it with water and sat on a stool sipping it.

I placed the cup on the counter to use my phone but remembered I gave my phone to ryujin to keep in her bag since I had no pockets.

I sighed not knowing where ryujin was and not having a phone so I sat in my spot looking at my surroundings.

I was sitting here in boredom until someone approached me standing by me.

I looked who it was and it was a boy in one of my classes.

"Hey" he said to me so I said it back.

"Perhaps want to get out of here and come to my place?" He said to me. He had a smirk on his face I was confused by his words especially since I don't talk to him.

"Hm?" I asked confused. He chuckled.

"Don't be all innocent, I see you staring at me in school. And honestly you're pretty cute" he tells me which made me uncomfortable.

I tried to laugh it off not knowing what to do which obviously did nothing.

"Come on I know you want me, it'll be fun" he tells me which makes me even more uncomfortable.

"Im sorry but no thanks.." I try telling him, my way of trying to get him away.

"Aw really? That's not how it seems in class." He spoke coming closer to me, putting his hands on my thigh very slowly moving up.

"Please don't touch me" I tell him grabbing his hand and taking it off me.

I was kind of scared of the situation I was in until someone else approached us.

"She told you no, so back off." A familiar voice said from behind me.

I turn my head to see Minho with a serious look on his face.

"And who are you to be in our buisness?" The boy talks back to Minho.

"Her boyfriend."

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