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« Time Skip - School »

Y/n pov

I walk through the busy hallway, heading to my class as well as blasting music in my AirPods. I look ahead of me catching glances with a few students around me, but I noticed people immediately looking away as I make short eye contact with them. What the hell, I thought realizing how weird people have acted around me besides my friends.

I enter my 1st period, spotting Minho and Felix having a conversation together. I head towards the empty desk next to Minho, waving at them. We go through the class, unbothered and having small talks here and there.

3 periods passed quickly, surprisingly, Yeji and I head together to the cafeteria as we talk about our day. The thought of why everyone was acting differently and not have bothered me has been roaming in my head, I wasn't complaining though because I am finally able to go through school at peace.

"Hello? earth to y/n?" A hand aggressively waves close to my face catching my attention to them. I hummed in response, forming a soft smile after.

"You getting food or not?" Yeji asks, pointing at the cafeteria line ahead of me.

"Oh, my bad" I responded, quickly lining up with Yeji following behind. The people in front of me glanced at me for a split second, whispering after, but they weren't very slick about it. I ignored it because they weren't as rude about it as I continue to get my lunch. Yeji and I head towards the table full of our friends, as well as the guys because we already see Ryujin sitting with them.

I sit next to the empty spot next to Minho which is always empty for some reason while Yeji sat next to my other side with Ryujin. We ate, having conversations with each other and laughter filling our table.

« Time Skip - End of School »

Minho Pov

School ended surprisingly quickly as our group of friends headed out of the school together, everyone was talking to each other while others kept quiet until y/n spoke out loud.

"Is it just me or is everyone acting differently, it's weird," We all look at her confused about her comment.

"What do you mean?" Ryujin asks, still visibly confused.

"No one has bothered us badly unlike before," Y/n answers, unsure of how to describe what she's trying to say.

"Now that you mention it, you're right," Yeji agrees, holding her pointer finger against her lips, thinking of what y/n said. Soon, everybody started talking about it, making theories.

"What if they found out y/n is a daughter of the greatest mafia in Italy and they threatened the school," Jisung comments, stupidly. Felix smacks him on the head, ashamed of what he said.

Only I was the only one not wondering about it, in fact, I was trying to avoid their conversation so I don't get drag into it. I scratch the back of my neck, nervously, facing away from everyone hoping they wouldn't notice me. Until I heard my name being called out.

"Hey, Minho! you were a pretty big part of the problem because of your fangirls," He says while mocking the fangirls, "you should know why they stopped as well as everyone else,"  causing everyone's attention at me.

I'm screwed.

"I don't know?" I lie, hesitantly.

"Liar, you definitely know," Hyunjin comments causing a death glare from me.

"Um- well... I- umm," I slowly stutter, having troubles speaking out.

"Just tell us," Ryujin says impatiently, everyone else was waiting for my answer, not moving their eyes at all from me.

"I, well- may have told them me and y/n are dating, knowing they'll stop bothering her if, you know, she's with me," Minho explains, nervously smiling as everyone tries to process what Minho just told them which took them a few seconds.

"you WHAT?!" Jeongin looks at Minho in disbelief, as well as everyone else, some still trying to process what he said.

"So you're telling me everyone has been acting differently because the whole school thinks WE'RE dating," Y/n says in shock, swaying her hand between me and her. Soon after, Yeji and Ryujin burst out laughing followed by Jisung.

"Guys, continue walking, we're blocking everyone's way," Jeongin mentions, noticing everyone who's exiting out the school is having to walk around us to get through. Everyone continues walking ahead, slightly bowing around them as an apology for blocking the way.

Y/n pov

As we continue heading our usual way home, I was still angry about what Minho told us. The fact that he didn't tell me about this and I didn't give him consent for him to tell the whole school that we're dating displeased me. I had my arms crossed, trying to avoid Minho but he was right next to me. From the corner of my eye, I spot him staring at me, I gave him a death glare.

"Look, I'm sorry y/n, they wouldn't have stopped bothering you if I haven't told them we're dating," Minho tries to explain himself, trying to guilt-trip me.

"But we're not dating!" I exaggerate slightly, raising my brows at him.

"Yet," His worrisome expression fades away quickly, forming a smirk on his face as he leans closer towards my face. I back away, flustered, but still trying to keep my angry act. I flick him on his forehead, using the perfect chance because he was bending slightly to reach my height. He stumbles backward a little from my sudden violence causing Felix, Jeongin, and Jisung to giggle behind us.

Minho then slowly turns towards Jeongin, Felix, and Jisung, glaring at them. As he was distracted, I walk away heading to Ryujin and Yeji who are too busy in their own conversation. I stepped away quickly away from Minho when suddenly I felt a slight pain on my wrist, I try to pull away without facing behind me but the grip was too strong. Ryujin glances behind us, I mouth silently, help me.

Ryujin and Yeji finally noticed what's happening, they smirk teasingly as we paused in the middle of the sidewalk next to the walls of the school gate. I felt a sudden pull from the hand gripping on my wrist, I shut my eyes for a split second because of the sudden action. I felt my back hit a concrete wall. When I open my eyes, I suddenly see Minho inches from my face, looking slightly down at me and his right arm carrying his weight against the wall. I glare at him, obviously annoyed but heavily flustered.

His face has never been so close to mine. Why is his skin so smooth? My thoughts distract me. Completely ignoring our surroundings when suddenly something loud blasts near us, I look away from Minho's stare, seeing Jisung was the source of the sound, holding his phone up high and smiling like a fool.

♪I get defensive and insecure

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