(46) Normal?

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« Time Skip - school »

Y/n pov

I arrived at school with Yeji and Ryujin, "You look tired," I told Ryujin who was walking next to me looking like she just woke up from the dead.

"I am tired," she responded.

"Did you not sleep?... Or.." I asked her and before I got to finish she answered.

"I stayed up until 3 am," Ryujin answered which made me and Yeji gasp.

"What the hell were you doing at 3 am?" Yeji asked her.

"I was studying," Ryujin said.

"We still have like a month until we have to take all the tests," I told Ryujin in a 'are you serious' tone.

« Time skip »

Y/n pov


I was just sitting with Minho after Felix said I could sit with him and he would be at the desk beside us. I took a look around the classroom while staying seated and noticed that everyone was minding their business. Usually, there would be a few people looking at me but there was nobody.

I looked around confused then turned back facing the front, "Why do you look like that?" Felix asked me and I looked at him, dumbfounded.

"Like what?" I asked him.

"You look confused," He points out and I pause before answering.

"It's nothing," I say while shaking my head.

Weird... I thought to myself, wondering why everyone is acting differently.

Jay-ri pov

I walked into my first period class to see that y/n had Minho next to her, seeing them together after I told her to stay away from him just makes me more irritated than before.

I was mad but I had to control myself so I sat down at an empty desk taking out my supplies.

I heard laughing and when I looked up it was y/n laughing with Minho and Felix. What a bitch, I thought, watching them enjoy their time.

At that moment, I wanted to go up to her and slap her across that little pretty face of hers but that would just cause a scene so I just grabbed out my phone and AirPods connecting them and playing some music, trying to control myself before I cause mass murder in this classroom.

« Time Skip - Lunch »

Y/n pov

All my friends and I were sitting together at a table, "My cousin told me he was coming to visit me over break" I told my friends and they all looked at me.

"For how long?" Yeji asked me and I respond.

"Only the first week, he won't stay for Christmas cuz he's gonna be with his parents," and most of them nod.

"I overheard some girl I passed by in the halls say that she was gonna throw a party for the students who aren't doing anything," Jisung said and we all looked at him out of curiosity.

"If you guys aren't doing anything you guys should go," Jisung suggested to us taking a bite out of his food.

"Ehhh, we'll see.." I responded, nodding my head lightly. We were all busy with our food and small chats with each other until someone yelled from our table.

"That's my carrot!" Jisung yelled to Changbin who was eating a baby carrot.

"And you're not eating it," Changbin replied crunching the carrot causing us to laugh from the sudden scene.

Jay-ri pov

I was eating lunch with Hana and Jisoo, "Are you serious?" Jisoo said in annoyance. I look at her and see that's she's staring a certain direction, I look where she's looking and see that she's watching a table with y/n and her friends which also has y/n and Minho sitting together.

"She really doesn't know how to listen," I mention glaring at y/n who's too distracted.

"What should we do about her now?" Hana asked us and we both look at her.

"At this point, Just let her be a boy toy," Jisoo said in annoyance rolling her eyes as she continues observing y/n's table.

"We can't frame her or do anything honestly, her stupid friends are always helping her," I say sighing.

"So annoying, why'd she end up at this school? She has the looks that grabs people's attention," Hana states before sipping her juice.

"I give up, we don't have a chance," Jisoo says crossing her arms and sighing from defeat.

« Time Skip - after school »

Y/n pov

Me, Yeji, Ryujin, and Felix were all walking home, "Ryujin you suck at soccer," I told Ryujin while chuckling.

"My bad, um, not a pro like you," Ryujin exaggerates as we laugh.

"Y'all got soccer? I had to play basketball. Our team lost," Felix said sadly, pouting jokingly.

"Maybe 'cause you're short," Yeji joked making fun of him and Felix slowly turned his head squinting his eyes at her.

"I'm literally taller than you and only like a few inches shorter than the others shut up," Felix told Yeji jokingly rolling his eyes at her.

I got home and did everything I usually do. I was bored and all I could really do was my homework so I went to my room, grabbed a few papers of homework from my backpack, and started to do it.

« Skip »

"FinAllyYyy," I exhaustingly said slouching down in my chair after finishing my homework.

I was just slouching in my chair until my stomach made a noise which reminded me, "Food" I said, then quickly getting up from my chair and walking to my kitchen.

I went to my fridge and saw nothing I wanted besides some random snacks that need to be kept cold. I shut the fridge door and went over to my pantry to see if there was anything.

Of course, there were only noodles, I grabbed a pack and went over to my stove to start heating it up.

I got a pot and filled it with water then putting it on the stove. I just leaned against the counter table wondering what I should do.

I'm gonna eat these noodles, go to the store, come back home and chill, Yup thats what I'll do. I made a quick plan in my head then walking to my room to grab my phone.

I took my phone off the charger then went back to my kitchen sitting on a chair. I opened Instagram and checked all the stories, people, I follow posted.

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