(44) Closer

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« Time Skip - Lunch »

Y/n pov

Yeji, Ryujin, and I all got our food and we're walking around finding a table to eat at.

I was walking next to Yeji who had Ryujin on her other side. We were walking and talking at a steady pace calmly until someone grabbed onto my arm.

"ah!-" I let out a small yell from the sudden touch, looking at the hand holding on to my arm grabbing me from behind.

Ryujin and Yeji immediately stopped walking and looked at me. I looked at the hand and traced it up to who it belongs to, it was Jeongin who was holding in my arm.

"Oh my gosh Jeongin, you scared me," I told Jeongin while taking a deep breath. He let go of me and chuckled awkwardly.

"Sorry... Felix told me to get you guys so we can sit together," He told us and we all looked at eachother.

"Okay let's go then," I told him and we all followed him until we got to a table filled with the boys.

"HI GIRLS!" Jisung yelled out to us as we came closer to them. I smiled at them and we stopped in front of the table, looking around for an empty spot around them. I looked at all of them and noticed that Minho wasn't there.

Maybe he was in the bathroom or something so I shrugged it off moving next to Felix who had a big empty spot next to him. Yeji and Ryujin sat next to Jisung together which was across from my sit.

We were all eating and talking until someone approached the table, "Took you long enough," I heard chan say while chuckling. I looked up and saw Minho standing with a tray of food.

He walked to Changbin and Hyunjin and squeezed between the two, causing them to start whining and pushing.

"Ehhhhh why here?"

"go somewhere else there's no space!"


"you're pushing us!" Hyunjin and Changbin were complaining to Minho while being pushed by him. I just stared at them blinking, a smile crept on my face looking at the boys.

"Why hereee?! Don't you seeeee there is more spaceeee next to y/nnn??" Hyunjin exaggerated with a slight smirk appearing on his face as he looked at Minho.

They all went silent and turned slowly towards me. Their eyes were on me and I looked at all of them confused, "What the heck are you looking at?" I ask them uncomfortable from their glares while making a 'weirded out face and they all turn back towards Minho.

Minho looked at everyone then locked eyes with me, we just stared at each other without any words, "Hmmm... I wonder what y'all are thinking about..?" Jisung says while squinting his eyes mischievously looking at us.

We all turn our heads to Jisung and he backs his head away from the table, "Stop looking at me" he slightly demands and we look away from him.

We all shared glances at each other until Minho and I made eye contact again and the others seemed to notice that. I break eye contact and look next to me, seeing that it's completely empty. I look back at Minho and tell him blankly, "Sit here". The silence continues amongst us.

Minho stares at me for a few seconds then quickly gets up rushing next to me. He sits next to me, reaching across the table pulling his tray to him.

I watch him pull his tray and place it at the empty space in front of him. I slightly hesitate to look up at his face only to see that he's already looking at me. We lock eyes with eachother, I look away first and focus back on my food.

Suddenly, I turned quickly towards him and hugged him tightly causing him to lean on to the extra empty space next to him, surprised from my sudden action.

He chuckled, wraping his arms around me and we're just hugging eachother tightly in front of everyone. We sit back up and notice everyone who is looking at us with a lot of different faces.

We hear a crying noise coming from the end of the table, we look over to see Chan fake crying and wiping his non-existent tears, "Minho's got someone besides us now," He says causing some of us to start laughing.

Everyone faces back to me and minho, "That was oddly cute" Yeji states about us hugging and everyone agrees, smiling like crazy. I teasingly make a 'judgmental' face at them until I felt Minho tap on my leg, I look down at my thigh and up at him, confused.

"You never answered me earlier," Minho mentions to me with a side smile, kind of like a smirk. I stare at him and smile.

"You're doing what you want right now, aren't you?" I ask him with a cocky smile tilting my head referring to how he said he wants to be with me and Interact with me in and out of school which he's doing right now.

"So... We can be with each other without avoiding..?" Minho asks me once more, reassuring me which I nod my head in agreement. I saw his smile get bigger and he hugged me again. I hug him back, letting go after.

We notice that our friends have not taken their eyes of us, with some type of face on them. Minho and I look away from each other, slightly embarrassed, and chuckling awkwardly.

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