(49) happy

500 16 1

Y/n pov

My friends and I walked out past the school gates, I was thinking about the question I just got asked. How? How did this happen? Did someone do something? I kept asking myself questions.

I was zoning out in my thoughts that I started walking slowly behind my friends.

Jeongin pov

I was listening to the other's small conversations with each other. I was watching my steps as I walked until I looked up checking my friends around me, I was about to look away until something seemed off.

I took another quick glance looking back at the others around me and saw that y/n wasn't with us.

"Where's y/n?" I asked, but nobody answered because they were all focused on something else. Seriously.

"GUYS," I yelled out which startled them to stop walking.

"What's wrong?"

"Why did you do that"

"What?" They asked and I just stared.

"Y/n," I responded and they all looked confused at me.

"What about her?" Ryujin asked and we all stayed silent.

"What about- y/n? Where the heck is y/n?" Minho said and we all looked at him.

"That's what I was gonna say, wheres's y/n?" I said and we all turned our heads looking around us.

Y/n pov

I was slowly walking, lost in thought and unbothered by my surroundings. Until someone called out my name.

"Y/N, WHAT ARE YOU DOING OVER THERE?" The voice called, It brought me back to reality.

I looked up, startled, and saw that my friends were all ahead of me, "Whoops," I whispered to myself as I quickly ran towards them.

I got to my friends and stood in front of them as they all looked at me confused, "Why were you back there?" Yeji asked me and I just smiled awkwardly.

"Uh, I zoned out" I answered and they all just looked at me.

"Whatever, let's hurry up it's getting cold," Ryujin states while rubbing her hands on her upper arms.

After she said that we continued to walk down the sidewalk.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

"Bye!" I yelled to the last few people with me as they took their turn to their street.

I was getting cold so I decided to run to my apartment. When I got to my apartment I quickly walked to the elevator waiting for it to open the door so I can hop in.

I unlocked the door to my apartment room, walking in, and shutting the door locking it.

I took off my shoes and placed my keys on the table then went to my room. I placed my backpack down by my desk. I hate school, I thought to myself as I got some comfortable clothes to wear.

I changed into the clothes that I picked then walked out of my room, "Why is it cold?" I asked myself feeling the cold temperature as I walked out of my room, I walked out the hallway to the heater and changed the temperature to something warmer.

I was feeling hungry since I haven't eaten since lunch which was like 4 hours ago. I checked my fridge but there wasn't actual food that would make me full so I checked my pantry but it only had snacks and noodles which I wasn't really craving.

Seriously? You know what I'm gonna go to the store and buy some food, I thought as I stood up straight stretching my arms.

I went to my room to grab my sweater and my wallet so I can go to the store and buy some stuff, since I was already wearing sweat pants I didn't really need to change.

I put on my sweater and grabbed my wallet and phone putting them in my pocket.

I got to the store and put the stuff I needed in the basket. I made sure I got everything I needed before I went to the register to pay.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

I'm eating the food I just cooked with the stuff I bought at the store. Finally something other than noodles, I thought to myself as I took another bite out of my food.

My phone was next to my plate, as I was chewing the screen lit up with a notification, A text from my mom.



Your dad and I won't be
able to spend Christmas with
you but we sent you some
money to buy stuff for your

We love you❤️

I love you guys too, hope
to see you guys soon.💕


Since my parents are living in Japan for a big company they work for, they can't really see me because of how busy they are. But they have been sending me money since I don't have a job.

I turned off my phone and took the last bite of my food on my plate, then going to the sink and washing it.

I got myself a glass of water because you gotta stay hydrated, of course, then walked to my room with my phone.

I remembered that I have homework to do, which I didn't really want to do but I had no choice. Pass or fail.

« Time Skip »


I finished my homework and put the papers in my backpack for school tomorrow. I plopped on my bed with my phone just scrolling through social media.

After a few hours of somehow being able to entertain myself, I decided to do my night routine and go to sleep.

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