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« Time Skip »

3rd person

Y/n was sitting next to Felix at a desk by the window, They were just talking about how they don't want to do the test before winter break. After talking for a little, Minho walks into the classroom and spots y/n and Felix, he quickly walks over to them and sits at the desk next to theirs.

Y/n pov

I was complaining to Felix about the test we have before winter break until the chair from the desk to us made a noise. I look away from Felix and see Minho is looking at us. "Hi, Minho!" I say excitingly waving my hand at him and he smiles waving back.

Not very long after saying hi to each other, a girl quickly sat next to him. I moved my head a little to the side to look at the girl to see that she's already staring at me. We both stare at each other and I wave my hand saying hello to her but she just gives me a dirty look. "Bro what the heck" I whisper to myself quickly looking away from her.

"What," Felix asks me and I'm assuming he heard me whisper to myself. "Nothing" I lied and he just continues talking to Minho

The three of us were having a conversation until the teacher came in. "Sit down please" He orders us and so we do.

«Time Skip - 2nd period »

3rd person

Y/n, Minho, and Felix were all walking in the halls going to their next class. Y/n got used to being with Minho like talking with him, sitting with him, and just being near him that she forgot about the other students having their rumors about them in their tiny pea-sized brains.

They were walking and talking together, when y/n looked away from the 2 boys she sees some students looking at them. Y/n just blankly stare at them while walking, she stopped talking to the 2 boys and just stayed quiet by their side.

Minho noticed y/n stopped talking with them. He looked at her in confusion. "Y/n?" He asked and she just hummed in response still watching the other students look at them. "You okay?" Minho asks her. Felix looks at y/n hearing that Minho is speaking to her.

"What's wrong?" Felix asks Minho and Minho just shrugs his shoulders. Felix notices that y/n is looking at other students in the halls so Felix looks away from y/n to look around them and sees that others are staring at them.

"Minho," Felix whispers to Minho getting his attention.

"Hm?" Minho responds turning his head to Felix.

"People are staring at us, especially at y/n," Felix points out to Minho, he looks around their surroundings and notices a few people staring at them.

Do people in this school know what respect is? I thought.

Minho rolls his eyes in annoyance at the other's looks, "Why are you guys looking at us? mind your business" Minho pauses in the middle of the hallway, telling the other students, clearly angry, which made them look away from them.

"Problem solved, let's go," Minho tells Felix and y/n as they hurry up to their next classes.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

Minho and I were sitting together at a desk in front of Hyunjin, Minho and Hyunjin were having a conversation as I stayed silent in my thoughts. How am I gonna put up with literally half our school? I thought to myself, stressing about how I'm gonna get them to leave us alone.

I was still tired for some reason, I yawned and rest my head on my hand, staring blankly in front of me as I zoned out. I was just staring until I felt something lightly bounce off my head.

It brought me back to reality and I sit straight up. The paper bounced off my head and landed on Minho's side of the desk.

Hyunjin pov

I was talking to Minho until a ball of paper flew past my head hitting y/n's head which interrupted me and Minho's conversation. Minho and I just stared at each other in silence wondering what that was.

I noticed y/n sit up straight, she sat up and looked towards the direction of Minho's desk. I look at Minho who was still facing backward towards me. I tilt my head telling him to look next to him. He slowly turns his head and sees y/n slowly reaching for something on his side of the desk.

y/n pov

I was reaching for the paper ball that hit my head and landed on Minho's side of the desk. I was about to grab it until Minho put his hand over it causing me to freeze in my place.

I slowly look up and see Minho looking at me. As we both stare at each other, I quickly try to take the paper from his hand but he somehow moved his hand away with the ball before I got to grab it.

I took a deep breath and gave up on trying to take the ball. I moved back to my side of the desk and just sat there. Is there something in the paper? I thought.

Minho pov

Y/n went back to her side of the desk and I looked at the paper, I held the paper ball in my hands and showed it to Hyunjin as he looked at it in confusion, "Open it," he told me and so I did.

I hope a thorn grows under your nail.

I read the paper and looked at it in disgust, "Let me see," Hyunjin said, showing him the paper. "The fuck?" He said with a disgusted face.

I sat up from my seat and tossed it into the trash can then sitting back down.

« Time Skip - After School »

Y/n pov

Me, my friends, and Minho's friends were all sitting and talking outside in front of the school, under a tree. "Christmas is next month," Felix mentioned and we all brought our attention to him.

"You're right... Dang, time goes by so fast," Ryujin said while slowly nodding her head.

"What are you guys doing for Christmas?" Yeji asked us and we all answered.

"I'm probably gonna be with my parents."


"yeah me too," Jisung, Changbin, and Hyunjin all agreed with each other.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do," Ryujin mentioned and we all looked at her.

"Well, it's still early so you'll think of something," Yeji told her.

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