(27) Hangout pt2

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« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

Me and Minho were walking to his house in silence then we arrived. He opened his door and gestured me to come in as he opened the door for me.

I walk in and look around standing in place. Minho closes the door behind me. "You can sit on the sofa i'll go change and get ready and we'll probably just hang here for a bit until 2:00 okay?" Minho says as he walks behind me while I walk to the sofa. "Mhm" I respond while walking towards the sofa.

I sit down placing my bag next to me and I notice some toys and some stuff for animals. "Do you have pets?" I ask Minho as he walks away. "Oh yea, three cats" He answers while stopping and turning around to look at me. "Where are they" I ask him cause I see no cats anywhere.

"They're probably in another room, I'll go get them. Minho says while walking away. I just sat in the sofa looking around and then I felt something rub against my legs which scared me.

I moved my legs up and slowly peeked down to the floor. There was a brownish colored cat that was looking up at me.

"Jesus you scared me" I said while bending down to pick it up. I lay back on the sofa with the cat on my lap. "You're so cuteeee" I quietly say while stroking it's fur.

Then I heard talking and footsteps behind me. I turn my head and see Minho carrying a cat and another cat walking near his legs. "I found two of them, I can't find the other.." Minho said while walking closer to me.

Then the cat that was laying on my lap stood up and jumped off the couch walking to Minho. "Oh you found her!" Minho says to me while putting down the cat in his hands.

"This is Soonie, this one is Doongie, and the one you had is Dori." Minho tells me while pointing to the cats. Minho then talks to his cats. "That pretty girl is y/n, be nice to her okay, don't be rude I will be back. Now go play." Minho says to his three cats then walking away in to a room.

The cats start to walk near me and just do whatever they're doing, I grab one of the toys and start playing with them.

« Time Skip »

I was playing with the cats while using my phone until I heard a door open so I turned around because of the noise and there was Minho walking towards the living room dressed up.

I was playing with the cats while using my phone until I heard a door open so I turned around because of the noise and there was Minho walking towards the living room dressed up

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(Without the mask and backpack/ dayum he look good)

"We still have an hour and a half till we go, what do you want to do?" Minho asks me while sitting down on the sofa.

"Uhh I don't know" I answer not knowing what I want to do besides just wait until we leave.

"Ok well then I guess we will just wait here until we have to go." Minho says taking out his phone from his pocket.

« Time Skip »

Y/n pov

It was 1:50 and to get to the park was only like 5 minutes so it won't be long to get their but we decided to just go.

"Bye byee" I say to the cats while picking up my bag and walking to the door. "Bye, I will be home soon." Minho tells his cats while putting on his shoes.

After I put on my shoes we walk out the door and start to walk. "What are we gonna do downtown?" I ask Minho while walking next to him.

"I don't know we're just gonna walk around and see what we end up doing" he responds. "Ah okay" I say back.

"Race me" Minho says out of nowhere. "Huh?" I respond to him not really understanding why he said that. "Race me to the park." Minho says while smirking at me. "Uh- okay then" I tell him and we start running.

I was ahead of him for like 5 seconds until he got infront of me. "This isn't fairrrr!!" I whine while trying to catch up with him which didn't really work.

He kept running while I started to slow down cause I was getting really tired to the point I just stopped walking and dropped to the ground breathing heavily. "I....cantt..do thisss.." I say breathing heavily between words.

Minho stops running and looks at me. He starts to laugh then runs to me. "How...the heck...are you so fast." I ask him as he just looks down to me while laughing.

"Because I just am" He responds to me with some he says in a taunting way. "Get up" He tells me but I nod my head telling him no. Minho then grabs my arms and pulls me to sit up. "I'm not getting up." I tell him while still breathing heavily.

Minho looks at me then grabs me from under my arms and stands me up. He faces his back against me and squats down a little telling me to get on his back. "Get on" He tells me. "Why" I ask him. "Or else I'm making you walk alone while I run and leave you behind." He tells me. "Nope" I say not wanting to walk alone jumping on to his back.

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