a whole new world

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by the way, beel is my absolute fav and I hc him differently than what a lot of people typically do. i think yeah he is baby, but I also think he's more sadistic than what other people chalk him up[ to be. i also think he is less innocent. 

 anyways, hope yall enjoy this crazy story :)

- azmodeus-chan

i wasn't sure what had happened for me to end up here. i knew about the exchange program, and I hadn't really thought about the possibility of me getting picked for it. i didn't know what to think. but now I was sitting on the floor of what seemed like a hearing hall, and surrounded by some demons. 

"oh how cute~"

i looked up to see a delicately handsome boy his skin was flawless, his clothes were fectly fitted to his slim frame. he smiled at me softly, pink eyes looking down at me. i felt my face flush as he offered a hand to lift me up. 

i took hold of it, and he helped me rise to my feet. 


I looked around. 

seven boys were gathered around me in a lose circle. they all looked vaguely related to each other. 

"hello y/n, I believe you know why your here?" one of them asked. 

he was tall, with black hair and menacing red eyes. his features were sharper and he had the appearance of a teacher. 

"this is... devildom right?" I asked. 


"and I'm in the exchange program?"



I looked around, the hall was huge, the only place that was this large in the human world were museums or maybe castles. i was surprised by the intricate details and carvings. 

"oh luci, you never introduce yourself properly! you'll scare the pretty girl!"

the peach haired boy who had lifted me to my feet stepped forward, flashing me a dazzling grin and holding out his hand. i took it, and he placed a quick kiss on my knuckles. 

"I'm azmodeus, avatar of lust. these are my brothers!" he said cheerily. 

i slowly nodded my head. 

"I'm y/n." I murmured. 

he giggled softly, pulling me forward and brushing a hand to my cheek. our bodies were so close. he leaned down slowly, looking over my face. my cheeks were flushing deeply as I stared into those peach eyes. 

"very pretty indeed." he said softly. 

"s-so are you." I murmured. 

a firmed hand took hold of my shoulder and helped extract me from the flirtatious man. i looked up, having to crane my neck at the giant above me. he had bright orange hair, slightly sharper features than the boy in front of me, broad shoulders and obviously muscular arms. his eyes were a beautiful purple color. 

"be nice azmodeus, don't scare her away just yet." he said quietly. 

he removed his hand before inclining his head quietly. 

"my name is beelzebub. I'm the avatar of gluttony." he said. 

as if on cue his stomach rumbled loudly. no wonder he was so large, he must eat a lot. he held a hand to his stomach, a slight red tint coming over his cheeks. 

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