cats, dogs, and lions oh my

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(hahahha, its smut time, either this chapter or the next one is going to get steamy ;))))) and yes this is based off of the paws event where they turn into animals etc. anyways, enjoy)

when i woke up i realized two things. 

the first being that i was back at the house of lamentation, the second being that somehow, some way, there were most definitely animals running wild in the house. 

i sat up from my bed as a killer headache rocked my forehead. the light was impossibly bright, my stomach felt nauseus and my body felt achy. this must be the effect of the potion on the humans. 

next time i would never be trying anything i made in potions class. 

i figured out there was something wrong by the loud crashing and roar that came from the space below me. it sounded as if glass had shattered, and a lion was bellowing. but it sounded slightly odd, a little bit like a human imitation. 

i took up my phone and tucked it into my pocket, i had been dumped on my bed without even having my book bag put back properly. i geuss i cant really blame them. 

i opened the door just as another crash sounded. along with more animalistic noises. 

my head pounded with the louder noises, i would kill them for making such a ruckus while i felt this way, i mean honestly, what in gods name are they even doing?

i made my way down the stairs and towards the living room, i was sure there had to be someone in there. and they really only had glass things in this room. 

"beel? lucifer?"

i was about to step onto the last stair when i looked down. 

the floor was a mess of glass and wood. as soon as my foot touch down on the messy ground i leapt back up, but not in time to stop a few shards from impaling themselves in my foot. 

i yelped and crawled a few steps upward, cursing the brothers loudly. 

"beel? i know someone is here damn it!"

i sat down and pulled my foot onto my knee to look it over. 

there was blood dribbling from the gas shards, and just barely touching them felt like someone was trying to tear my foot from my ankle. 


a hoarse voice called out to me, is that satan?

i leaned against the wall, unsure of what i needed to do in order to stop the bleeding. if i compressed my foot i would dig the glass in deeper, but it was to painful to pull out on my own. 

"satan, ouch- i cut my foot come here." 

there was shifting from around a corner. 

"y/n, y-you cant be here." satans unsteady voice called. 

i groaned with annoyance at his remark. i mean honestly, first you want me to slice open my foot, next you want to tell me i shouldn't be here? what am i supposed to do, literally walk on broken glass to come see you. 

"satan please."

i looked back at my foot, the carpet was now saturated with blood. i needed him to come help me soon before i started getting dizzy. 

there was slow shifting, and from the corner i had heard his voice come from, a head popped out. 

it was... satan?

he looked different. 

his eyes were bright orange with cat slits in them, his mouth hung slightly open and revealed sharp canine teeth, not unlike beels teeth when he was in demon mode. and on top of his head, among the golden curls, were a pair of black cat ears swiveling from side to side. 

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