after shock

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i held onto beels shirt as he cared me into the purgatory hall. Levi was holding my hand and Belphegore glanced at me before giving me a slight smile. he looked away quickly thought and opened the doors for us. 

"lucifer would like to talk to us." levi said. 


I looked forward to see a ball of pink running to me at light speed. asmodeus tackled beel and I in a tight hug. 

"oh my human I'm so so sorry we had no idea solomon was crazy! I'm so sorry y/n. if I had known I would've stopped you from going with him!" asmodeus said. 

he pulled away, and took my face in his. 

"tomorrow you are going to spend a nice relaxing spa day with me okay? and if you'd like to bring one of the brothers that's alright. but this stress is not good for your skin! and that creeps slobber on you will make you break out!"

i smiled slightly as he began to ramble on a tangent of insults. beel gently squeezed the side of my leg, making me look up at him. he smiled and winked at me. i felt better even though something horrible had almost happened.

"lets get her to lucifer." belphegore said quietly. 

beel nodded his head and we walked through the halls. 

"what do you think y/n? we could go to the hot springs and do some facials, then we could get our nails done together! oh! would you match with me darling?" asmodeus asked. 

i nodded my head, not sure if this would actually happen or not. 

"here we are."

the doors opened to reveal an angry looking satan, a deadly calm lucifer and an anxious mammon. 

"about time ya got her here!" mammon yelled. 

he rushed to me, looking me over carefully. 

"it looks like he didn't touch ya to much. but he left marks on yer neck! I'm gonna kill that bastard for touchin' whats our-"

"mammon quiet. beel, please set her on that chair and you can all leave." lucifer said quietly. 

i fel tanxious as he fixed me with a cool stare. beel slowly set me on a cushioned chair before squeezing my hand and walking away. 

"we will be right outside." levi said as he waved me goodbye. 

"call us if you need someone dear." asmodeus said. 

belphie gave me a nod before walking out. 

satan stomped away, and mammon stayed beside me. 


"id like him to stay." i blurted out. 

i didn't know if it was because this was lucifer, and he made me anxious, but i wanted someone else in here besides him. i felt like things would be less tense if mammon was at least three. 

i reached over and discreetly took mammons hand, holding it tightly in my own. he looked a little surprised but hid it quickly. 

"as you wish y/n." lucifer said quietly. 

he took a seat across from me, and crossed his legs. 

"Solomon will be punished accordingly. diavolo has already heard about this, and Solomon is being pulled from the program." lucifer said. 

i was shocked. but i wasn't going to say that i felt bad. it was extreme but what solomon wanted to do to me was extreme. he deserved it. 

"okay." i said. 

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