Mammons birthday <3

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this is a bit of a fluff piece, first off cause the smut was awesome in the last chapter, and cause its his birthday. plus i haven't written any mammon fluff and he deserves it. mammon is my other favorite dude aside from the twins. also im gonna make a designated recquest page and if yall could drop some requests that would be so hot and seggsy. 

don't forget to vote and follow!

i woke up to the sound of my door slamming open. 


i barely had time to open my eyes when the curtains flew open, casting light all around my bedroom. i groaned loudly and tried to turn over, but was stopped by a pair of arms lifting me up. 

"What are ya' doin' asleep huh? don't you know what today?"

my eyes peeled open to reveal a grinning mammon. his white hair was tousled as if he had just got out of bed, and he wore his yellow and black sweatpants with no shirt. 

"your birthday?" i joked. 


wait what. 

"wait seriously?"

my eyes opened up fully and i sat up on my own. mammons face was inches from mine and i noticed him get slightly red before backing away from me. 

"of course! how could you forget yer' favorite masters birthday huh?" he asked. 

i wiped my eyes and adjusted my hair. 

"well, i didn't, i just set a reminder on my phone last week." i lied. 

he gave me a shit eating grin before jumping off my bed and pulling away the blankets. 


"come OOOOON! its my day and that means you gotta serve me ya know? and my first order is to get up and outta bed, get dressed and ready to get breakfast!!" he announced. 

"where do i need to go?" i asked. 

i climbed off the bed as he began to talk. 

"yer comin with me obviously, since your my servant for the day im gonna make you stay by my side the whole day! we are gonna go eat, then shopping, maybe get some lunch, and then the brothers have somethin' planned for me tonight i geuss. but the important part is that your gonna do as i say no matter what!" 

i glanced at him and smiled. 

"how fancy is the restaurant?" i asked. 

"well, ristorante six is hosting a very rare brunch so-"

"jeez louise, that's fancy for so early in the day," i said. 

he smiled proudly. 

"i know! and its all on lucifer! he said somethin' about his own present to me. he gave me his card!" mammon held up a shiny silver card and waved it around. 

yeah he was going to regret doing that for mammon, no doubt.

"well let me get dressed then," i said. 

"right! meet me in the hall in thirty minutes alright, and don't be late!"

he practically danced out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. 

i began to undress and searched through my closet for something i could wear to the restaurant and around town. it wasn't long before there was a knock at the door and asmodeus entered.

"oh! what a very sweet surprise~"

i jumped slightly and turned to see the fourth born brother. his eyes scanned over my figure hungrily before he turned around. 

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