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I have the first chapter out of the way! yay! anyways, lemme talk about some of the things that will go on with the characters, and my ideas for the supporting characters. 

I hope you guys liked the first chapter, I'm making this reader more shy and reserved, and I'm taking from my own past of being made fun of for my appearance and adding it to this character. I don't see a lot of chubby and self-conscious character but I'm here to change that. 

-Azmodeus- chan. 

p.s, yes my name is the same as Asmodeus, yes it gets confusing to read during the game LOL.

the side characters

first off, Luke is a fucking child and will not be a romantic interest. he will be a platonic yandere and typically helps Simeon and Soloman with their yandere esque activities. he will be more like a son out of anything and if you expected me to sexualize him in this you need to go to jail. 

I hate obey me fans that say 'well technically he's a hundred years old so-', no, it's the same thing for lolis, they look like fucking children, go to jail. 

anyways, he will be like our little son, he's adorable and I wanted to pat his head and hug him. 

I haven't decided how I'm going to direct the side characters. I think I will make them all yandere's and love interests and all of them work for the brothers to help kidnap you at some point. or I'm going to have them work against the brothers in order to save you for themselves and still kidnap you. for now they will be treated as love interests. 

okay now to some other stuff.

yandere types. 

delusional- these yandere will twist your actions and words to fit their fantasy. Do you say you hate them? You're just grumpy and need a nap!!! your crying? crying from love!! you say you don't love them??? someone must be shy and worried to admit their feelings :(((((.




obsessive- these cannot get enough of you. they need you to be around them all the time. they want to know anything and everything, down to the last minute detail. they love to hear you talk about yourself, they love to listen to you, they love to watch you




protective- the world is dangerous, especially devil dom. they love you so much, and they can stand for you to be taken from them. how could they let someone harm their darling little girl? how could they let anything hurt you? they just need to protect you, they need to love you, you need to love them. they will protect you! so only stay by their side and never speak to anyone else ever. 





caretaker- your so precious, your so pure, your so amazing! these yandere's cant wait to wrap you in a soft blanket, gently kiss your cheek and take care of you. they love to watch that content smile on your face when you've had enough to eat, a bath and are ready for sleep. no one else can take care of you like them, and without them, you might get hurt and not be able to care for yourself. they couldn't allow that!!! so only let them take care of you!!!

(these yandere are also daddy doms and have a ddlg kink)



tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now