strike one

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i woke up to only mammon remaining in my bed. 

he was scrolling through his phone, holding me ontop of his chest. his expression was calm and content. something i never got to see from him. 

his eyes swept over his screen, watching video after video swim by. there was a minute that went by before he realized i had woken up. 

his cheeks flushed when he glanced to the side and found my eyes open. 

"why didn't ya' tell me you were awake." he muttered. 

he shut off his phone and turned his attention onto me. 

"i liked watching you." i said. 

"whats that supposed to mean?" he asked defensively. 

i laughed and tried to sit up. he kept his hold on me tight, frowning as i tried to get up. 

"what? don't ya' like me enough to stay?" he asked. 

"of course ill stay, i just wanted to get up." i said. 

"ya' cant go leaving me after two seconds." he pouted. 

"its okay mammon id never leave you." i teased. 

he sighed and kissed the top of my head. for a moment we were quiet. 

"i kind of have to pee though, wheres my phone at?" i asked. 

he reluctantly let go of me. i slowly rolled onto my back and began to feel around the bed for my phone. my hand final hit cool metal and i lifted it up to check the time. the screen stayed black and i tapped it with annoyance. 

"ugh, its dead." i muttered. 

"dead? i can charge it in my room if you'd like." mammon replied. 

he peer over my shoulder at the blank screen. 

"that would be good, i forgot to bring my charger back down here." i explained. 

he plucked the phone from my hand and smiled. 

"no problem beautiful. why don't you go to the bathroom? do ya' need my help?" he asked. 

i shook my head and slowly scooted to the edge of the bed. it would be my first attempt at walking since i had hurt my foot, but it should be fairly healed by now. 

i slowly slid down from the bed, my foot was stiff and sore but i was able to limp slightly to the bathroom. it felt good to have use of my legs though, and i quickly used the bathroom. i could hear movement outside the door. 

"hey mammon, whats gonna be for dinner? and where did beel go?" i asked. 

"oh, he got a call from luke about some baked goods." mammon replied. 

i wiped and washed my hands before exiting the bathroom, shaking off the excess water as i did so. 

"when is he coming over then?" i asked. 

mammon shrugged,d he was now sitting at the edge of the bed, watching me walk around. 

"beel never said, he just got up and left." mammon said. 

i didn't think beel would be someone o do that, but i geuss if food is involved he would do anything. 

"have the others come by? i haven't spoken with them in a while do you think we could go see them?" i asked. 

mammon frowned slightly. 

"don't you need rest? simeon said you should stay in bed while you heal." he reasoned. 

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