headcannons- chronic illness

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so for this headcannon i am gonna do one about how the brothers would react to a sick y/n. like chronically ill. i have multiple chronic illnesses so for each brother I'm gonna use one of my chronic illnesses. 

lucifer- CF

lucifer found out about your lung problems when he first brought you to the devildom. when he was searching for a candidate your medical history had to be included in the file. 

he is very cautious of you. he knows how bad CF can get and doesn't want you to get sick. even before the two of you are dating he will remind you to take your medication. however after you guys begin to date he will start giving you treatments and medication. 

it helps to soothe his anxiety over you. even though he is very proud and nonchalant normally, he is very worried about losing you. when your coughing late at night he will get up, prop you up with pillows without waking you and stay up for an extra hour to make sure you don't stop breathing. 

if you were to get worse he wouldn't show how concerned he is, at first. but it would become obvious. he is incredibly punctual already, but soon he wouldn't even be a millisecond late. he would interrupt your school, hanging out with friends and events to give you your treatment. he would disobey diavolos orders to give you your medicine. 

he would also research other things to help you, he is all around a very helpful, possibly suffocating person. 

Beel- no antibodies

beel wouldn't understand what having no antibodies would mean. he would assume that with a single infusion they would stay with you for the rest of your life, so when you begin to get incredibly ill in the devildom after missing so many infusions, he doesn't understand what you need. 

he didn't know that you hadn't mentioned your sickness to lucifer, no one knew there was something wrong with you until an infection broke out at school and you got ill with it .

beel found you passed out in the bathtub, shivering and sweating and vomit in the toilet. your nose was bleeding and your face was basically grey. he felt sick to his own stomach just seeing you that weak. 

when you were taken to the hospital the doctors figured out very quickly what was wrong and immediately gave you a transfusion of the antibodies you needed. it took you three weeks to recover from an infection since it made you sepsis. if youhad gone one more week without the infusions you would've died. 

after that incident beel is very anxious and panicked about you. if you thought lucifer was a helicopter caregiver your wrong. when you and beel start dating he becomes increasingly scared for you. 

he ensures you call in your appointments, brings you to the clinic and stays with you the whole time. if you start coughing at night he will wake you up to give you a breathing treatment and then prop you up so you can breath better. after that he will stay up just a little longer to make sure your alright. 

he feels useless about the fact he can help you. your injuries are to much for him or solomon to heal and so you have to live with the immune deficiency. he stays home from school with you when the flu season gets bad and carries you home from appointments. he always makes sure thins are disinfected properly and no one in the house can get sick. 

all around he is very concerned and panics when he finds out. he doesn't do any research, and normally you have to translate all the medical terms for him so he doesn't think your dining. he is just very concerned for you and will do anything to keep you safe. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now