a day at the spa

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mammon walked me back to my room and we said our goodbyes to each other. he was oddly quiet the whole time, but I thought nothing of it. 

i woke up to soft knocking on my door. 

"y/n dear?"

asmodeus was outside. 

"come in."

I felt a little sore, but I had sleept very well considering I had slept for twelve hours previously. 

"hello dear." he said quietly as he opened the door. 

i grunted in reply and turned around to face him. 

"how are you feeling?" he asked. 

the bed dipped down and he stroked the top of my head gently. the motion was gentle and made me even more drowsy. 

"sleepy." I mumbled. 

"mmm, you had a rough night." asmodeus said. 

i slowly nodded my head. 

"I was thinking we could grab some breakfast and go to the hot springs. i have a bag full fo facial stuff and nail polish. so whenever your ready to go we can go." asmodeus said gently. 

i opened my eyes. he was smiling softly down at me. and I remembered was solomon had said. 

all the brothers like me. but was that really true?

"ill get up now. should i bring a bathing suit or?"

asmodeus shook his head. 

"no no, just come as you are. maybe pack a head band and some flip flops." asmodeus said. 

i nodded and sat up. rubbing my eyes gently. i was wearing a pair of comfortable shorts and the t-shirt from the night before. 

asmodeus watched me stand up and stretch. i pulled a hair tye from off my dresser and pulled my hair into a ponytail. then I retrieved a pair of sandals from my closet and slipped them on. 

"perfect!" asmodeus said. 

i nodded sleepily and followed him out. 

"do you want some coffee to help wake you up darling?" he asked. 

i shook my head. coffee was delicious but it made me so jittery and shaky. i couldn't drink it unless I had somewhere to go. 

we walked down the stairs and into the dining hall. asmodeus wanted to let lucifer know we would be leaving. 

i sat down while the demon went to speak to his brother. Mammon was on one side, belphie was on my other. 

"hey human." mammon said with a yawn. 

"hello Mammon. howd you sleep?" i asked. 

"eh, pretty good. don't wanna go to school today." he said. 

"why don't you skip? tell luci your sick and stay home." i said. 

"lucifer would kill him." belphegore mumbled. 

i was certain he was asleep up until now. he peeled his eyelids open and focused on me. his expression softened when he noticed i was looking at him. 

"how are you feeling human?" he asked in a low voice. it was like he was worried mammon might hear him say something nice to me. 

"I'm alright belphie, thank you. how did you sleep?" i asked. 

belphegore waved away the question and sat up, taking one of my hands in his own and examining my face. 

"you have a bruise." he mumbled. 

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